Daniel 12:9 And he said, go they way Daniel: for the words are - TopicsExpress


Daniel 12:9 And he said, go they way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Let me tell you what this means...please pay attention to this. This is amazing once you understand this. WORDS= all the words STRONGS H1697 ALL the words in the world...that you use. closed up= stopped up, secret, hidden obstructed, as chinks of a chain around a wall. The Lord said to me, the chain that binds, it prevents access Keeps us from understanding something. Closed up also means FOUNTAIN FOUNT=MOUNT and also FOUNT can also be spelled, FONT A font #1 is a set or Type of one particular face and size. (LETTERS) The origin of FONT=MELT (as in with fervent heat) heat of desire to know. Font # 2 is: a receptacle in a church for the water used in baptism, typically a freestanding stone structure. A TUB..which is a cask and the origin of that is HELMET...which means helm which is a rudder which guides you through the rough waters. a reservoir for oil in an oil lamp. the origin of Font #2 is: Spring, Fountain, Baptismal waters and sealed= seal means sign sign= a notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instructions in a written or symbolic form. Guidepost, signpost, Sign is also LETTER, Symbol, Mark, Channels, LOGO (logos=words) Until the time of the end= End= when we reach the finish line of the race, end of the division of humankind End means CODA which the lord spoke to me and said, CODE Origin of Code is TAIL Origin of Race is CURRENT, PATH, CHANNEL, CONTEST OF SPEED Code means: Key, cipher and cryptogram The origin of Code is CODEX Cryptogram means: a text written in code. a symbol or figure with secret or occult significance. A code is: a system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols substituted for other words, letters, etc., especially for the purposes of secrecy. Code is also Program Instructions (for our minds) It means to convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning. It is a systematic collection of laws or regulations. It is the value system that governs our behaviors. The Lord said, CODE OF CONDUCT To specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein). genes that code for human growth hormone be the genetic determiner of (a characteristic). CODEX means: an ancient manuscript text in book form. an official list of medicines, chemicals, etc. The origin of Codex: late 16th century (denoting a collection of statutes or set of rules): from Latin, literally ‘block of wood,’ later denoting a block split It into leaves or tablets for writing on, hence a book. So, what after reading this, do you see? Let me tell you what the Lord showed me. That the Bible is most certainly in code. If you ask (INTERROGATE, question) you shall receive (understand), If you SEEK the true meaning out, YOU shall FIND IT. if you knock (BEAT or HAMMER AWAY), the door (BARRIER) shall be opened. God is has been telling us all this time that the Bible is encoded. Now, he is opening the floodgates of knowledge and giving us his spirit (enthusiasm) to want to find out the truth of this book in order that we shall be set free and also protected from what MAN is doing to the people. Being blind or ignorant is not something we want to be at this time. God told me to get in the ark in 2012 because this will be a time like no other. The ark is a truly amazing study in itself, the Lord just told me, GET ON BOARD,,,which means to agree, to go along with ...what I am telling you. Please listen to what the spirit is speaking. The spirit of God is within you. You MUST search out the truth with the mind of Christ. He will open the pathways of your mind for you to be able to see with greater eyes the hidden truths that he has for mankind. He is saying to his people to let the words come alive. The words have power. Soon what you speak will come into existence in a much faster pace. He is breaking down the barriers of the human genome. Not sure what that means at this time, but that is what he just said to me. LOL So, anyway, your mind is like a book. So, WE are becoming his walking books. Believe it. It is happening. Do you want to be LEFT BEHIND, which means that you will not understand in time? You need to know what is in that book people. Research means to seek... EVIL men of this world have already sought out this knowledge and they have learned HOW to keep us in bondage..in our minds..they think that if they keep us in the dark that they can rule over us. Just like Pharoah. Even those who are in the music business KNOW what is going on. They even know how to control the weather. They are telling us that we are at war all around the world.. WAKE UP PEOPLE. THEY THINK THEY ARE GOD...and that THEY will be OUR GOD. WAKE UP AND REALIZE that CHRIST IS ALREADY IN YOU..YOU HAVE the CHRIST SPIRIT LIVING INSIDE OF YOU ALREADY. Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED.....way back then..why are you still not searching out the truth brethren?????? GOD told me in 2012. My people will not listen..they will listen or perish..... What are you doing today in order to understand what GOD is telling us? He is soon going to turn us into spirit. Holy Spirits. OR WHOLE SPIRITS OF GOD...wake up.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:40:02 +0000

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