(Daniel) In a speech in Cape Town on Friday evening the 9th of - TopicsExpress


(Daniel) In a speech in Cape Town on Friday evening the 9th of January, President Jacob Zuma made the following statement: “Jan van Riebeeck’s arrival in Cape Town was the beginning of all South Africa’s problems.” Never in the history of the world have I heard a Head of State so clearly saying to a part of the population of his country: You are a problem. You are not wanted here. Apart maybe from Adolf Hitler to the Jews of Germany. We take note, mr Zuma. We’ll get back to this. You see, president, we have known for a long time that you are not a very clever man (how’s that for an understatement?!), but to show such clear evidence of your lack of understanding even the most basic knowledge of our history is a blemish on this country. 1) Jan van Riebeeck did not arrive in Cape Town. There was no Cape Town, there was no road, harbour, Castle of Good Hope, Parliament building, airport, Nkandla or KFC in sight. There was no infrastructure, there was no democracy or election. In fact, there wasn’t even a black man in sight. The southern tip of Africa looked pretty much as it did on the day of creation, because the few scattered groups of Khoisan people lived off the land and slept in minute little huts of reed which they would roll up and carry about on their backs when they moved on. In fact, mr Zuma, everything that you set your eyes on, was created by that civilisation which Jan van Riebeeck and the descendants of his people brought to this country. Of course, if you wish the country to return to the state of living in little huts of mud, wearing animal skins, not being able to read of write or in fact not even having had the capability of inventing the wheel, by all means – crawl back into your hut. But I’ll be damned if the civilised white, coloured and Indian population will follow you into that state. You belong in a hut, not me. 2) As applies to where the problem started: The problem started when the weaker and more cowardly African tribes starting running for their lives in the region around the great lakes of Malawi and fled southwards ahead of the Berbers. As far as they went they murdered and raped and pillaged and stole the land from the rightful owners, the Khoi people. They met the white man around 1718 in the Eastern Cape. Those were your ancestors, mr Zuma,. And the problem started when your ANC decided it wanted to adopt Western concepts like democracy, government, multiculturalism. Unfortunately the African incapability of understanding abstract thought and hypothetical reasoning makes it irreconcilable, so you decided to imitate. Mr Zuma, a palace bigger than that of the former Czar of Russia, a fleet of BMW’s, the vote of the majority of non-reasoning people and a KFC meal and a Samsung with enough airtime is not sufficient. The world has recognised you for what you are: YOU are the problem! 3) Zuma ended off his speech with another statement: “We, the black nation, are crying for our land which was taken by the white people.” Kissing up to Julius Malema now or what? WHAT land? Where is your deed an poll? What evidence do you have? What do you call the vast pieces of land called the Ingonyama Trust and the Royal Bafokeng Trust apart from “our land” for the black man then? No mr Zuma, you might as well stop your act. We will resist you stealing OUR land, be prepared for that. One thing you have to understand, and there will be no negotiation on that: White South Africa built this country to what it is, we’ll see you in hell before we leave it to your mercy.You labour under the misunderstanding that we are going to hand it all to you on a silver platter because we feel guilty. Don’t. You are wrong again. You see, the one thing that you keep trying (and like a fool doesn’t realise that it is not working) is to blame “apartheid” and the injustices of the past and then offering the white man your forgiveness. And you think that, combined with the brand of “racist” will shame us. You’ve missed the bus, mr Zuma. Black majority government in this country is shameful failure and your forgiveness means nothing to us. Keep it. We have no use for it, we are not interested in it. So carry on living in your ignorant little bubble of stupidity – the age of ethnic nationalism has dawned in the rest of the world and it will reach South Africa also. And you will have to bow your head and stand ashamed before history for having had all the opportunities imaginable and making one big, and gruesome bloody genocidal mess of it. Department Information Front Nasionaal Suid Afrika https://facebook/pages/Front-Nasionaal-Suid-Afrika/248174628693735?ref=ts&fref=ts
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:42:15 +0000

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