Danna Hughes has asked a very interesting question worth a debate - TopicsExpress


Danna Hughes has asked a very interesting question worth a debate or serious discussions. First of all, I want to make it clear that I shall try my best to stay objective and I shall dwell into some of the key issues raised by this question. I would start with the weaknesses of Ma first, then I should develop into his strength, quality as well as correctness in policy and vision of a better Taiwan. Number ONE, President Ma is a MAINLANDER, and NOT a native Taiwanese. This point should be duly noted and considered by the American press before any adequate assessment could be provided accurately. That fact alone, explains why the general public in Taiwan is so unforgiving to him for any of the smallest dark spot or minute error or even natural calamity, compared to ex-president Chen. Number TWO, the governing political party, the KMT ( or more exactly, according to word by word translation, the CHINESE KUOMINTANG ), is the old party arriving from China, to Taiwan in 1950, after its disastrous defeat by the CPC, therefore losing the whole China to its archenemy. But the KMT recovered its footing in Taiwan, successfully survived against all odds ( thanks to the US Seventh Fleet, after the Korean War ), and unbelievable as it sounds, launched Taiwan on its path to prosperity and wealth, under CKK, successor and son of CKS. Chiang King Kuo even had the foresight and the vision to prepare the paving for the coming of a Singapore-style limited democratic new order ( events ran ahead and with birth of the DPP, Taiwan went into full democracy mode in the blinking of an eye ). Therefore, despite all the economic, political and structural success of the KMT, it was very often considered as a foreign body intruding into the life of Taiwan ( quite erroneous if we considered the fact that Taiwan was a Japanese colony before the defeat of the Japanese Empire ). Both Ma and the KMT are allowed very little leeway and very small margin for errors or bad luck. Number THREE, in 2008, just right after Ma inauguration into his first term, after a smashing victory over the DPP, the whole world was shaken by the most serious economic and financial crisis after the Great American Depression of the 29. US financial system almost collapsed and imploded, if not for the quick salvation campaign and emergency propping of all the world big banks, then followed by QE1, QE2 and QE3. Taiwan was not immune to the savage consequences and Tsunami-size impact of that worst recession in 80 years ! Concerted efforts of all Central Banks, especially in Asia ( China and Japan being the biggest cash injectors, but Taiwan did the same as well in a coordinated campaign to stimulate demand and avoid a spiralling deflationary process ). I could name only these 3 reasons, and they could explain all the headaches and troubles met by the Ma Administration. Besides, Taiwanese media, especially TV coverage, is very prone to sensationalism ( bad news, negative attacks and sensational chit chats SELL, helping their ratings and earnings ), thus distorting many TRUE FACTS and creating a completely erroneous picture of the true situation ( how do you explain the very high level of happiness and self-satisfaction of Taiwanese, compared to other countries, and reconcile this independently rated poll by Western press, to all the negative panorama being described and painted by the media and the opposition ? This does not make sense to me ). For the sake of assumption, let s imagine that Ma would be a native Taiwanese, and the KMT is a locally grown political party, and I would bet that the results could be different, and we would see another kind of reverse distortion, whereas extremely rosy picture could be sung and praises would be heaped upon the native president.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 05:51:01 +0000

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