Danner man, You have been gone for 2 weeks now. I still can’t - TopicsExpress


Danner man, You have been gone for 2 weeks now. I still can’t believe it. Remember sitting on the shore at Ashley Lake eating our chips from a bag with cold nacho cheese from a can? The lake was so blue and the water was so cold that you squealed like a little girl when we jumped in.. . I don’t know what all a person still retains and remembers when they leave this life and move on to heaven but I hope you remember these few memories… That winter day we went hunting in Trego and got lost when we tried to go back to the truck. I’ll bet we circled your truck 3 times in the hour that we hiked around trying to find it! That was the same day that we called in that buck and you had him in your sights right there, but then you lowered your gun and shrugged and said you didn’t feel like seeing him die today… Remember when we were at church and you opened the door for that old lady and she threw her arms around you and kissed you right on the mouth!? I thought I was going to split my gut from laughing so hard…she was so mortified when she realized you were the wrong Dan. Thank you for always making me smile. Remember the time we went to dinner with your dad and you and him started talking about how Grandma Bonnie’s teeth chatter when she gets mad and you both got to laughing so hard that you fell right off the booth?! I wonder how many hours we spent total watching YouTube videos of bucking bulls and broncs? Don’t forget all those rodeos that we went to. The one in Plains was my favorite, when we sat right above the shoots and you explained how all the rigging worked. Remember watching Tangled with Kitty on your lap and your mom over there in her chair. You about died laughing at that silly white horse. That Alaska trip was so fun. Remember standing out in the -30 degree winter trying to return the RedBox movie and the stupid machine wouldn’t take it back! Turns out we just needed to push “Return” first…. You were so irritated with me and your mom and all those darn pictures we wanted to take. Those pictures are priceless to me now. We have jobs in heaven and we get to work and be fully satisfied with the work that we do and I’d bet that Jesus has given you your own ranch to work. You better believe when I get there you will be the first person I track down. Can you believe you got to see Him first? I can’t imagine the joy and peace you are experiencing right now. But with all that beauty and love and the very presence of God all around you, please don’t forget about… Sitting on the dock at Lake Blaine all day long until the sun set, just dangling our feet in the cool water, setting aside everything but fishing, talking, and laughing like we had nothing else to do. That’s where I will remember you. When I see that lake water I can hear your laugh so clearly. When I pass a big red Ford pickup I can see you sitting over there behind the wheel grinning and your eyes lighting up when “6 Days on the Road” by Sawyer Brown would come rumbling on the radio. Your head would start bobbing and you’d sing along in your best Sawyer Brown voice. You always listened so genuinely to my endless chatter and you told me you preferred it over silence. What words can I say to share with the world what a wonderful man you were? For those who did not know you, they missed out. You are a gem. And you will forever have a place in my heart. I won’t forget about you, now don’t you forget about me. You told me once that other than being with the Lord in heaven, being with me was the best thing you could think of. Well, now you have the very best thing. You are with Him in heaven and before you know it we will all be there to join you. We all miss you so much but I am glad you are at peace now and free from your struggle. Thank you for enriching my life by being a part of it for a time. We miss you.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:10:34 +0000

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