Daoist Priest Prophesied about Master Li to a Young Boy In a - TopicsExpress


Daoist Priest Prophesied about Master Li to a Young Boy In a small remote mountain village in Dongchuan during the 1950s, an 8-year-old boy named Wu used to enjoy visiting a Daoist priest in a cave when he was herding cattle. The Daoist really liked the boy and often told him cultivation stories. The boy brought corn, potatoes, and other vegetables for the priest to eat. One day the Daoist said, “Many years from now a Master, Mr. Li, will come to teach the Buddhist Law. Unfortunately, it will be too late for me, but you are young. If you have the opportunity to meet him, dont pass it by.” He died soon after. Wu never forgot what the Daoist priest told him. He later became a carpenter and went everywhere to make furniture for people, in hopes of finding Master Li. Falun Dafa spread to Dongchuan in 1996. He was then in his 50s. One day Wu was making furniture for a villager in Dabei Village, located in Dongchuan. He suddenly heard exquisite music coming from a small school. He asked the villager about the music. The villager said, “The villagers are practicing Falun Dafa.” Wu was really shaken . He asked, “Does Falun Dafa have a master? What is his name?” The villager said, “Yes, there is a master. I heard his name is Mr. Li Hongzhi.” Wu immediately pressed his palms together in a gesture of respect and said, “Master, I have found you.” He quickly ran to the school, learned the five exercises, and obtained copies of Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong to bring back to his small mountain village. He shared what he had learned with the folks there. Seventy percent of the villagers now practice Falun Dafa... en.minghui.org/html/articles/2014/7/10/1981.html
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:51:21 +0000

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