Dapo Ajanlekoko writes "You have got some idiots (and educated - TopicsExpress


Dapo Ajanlekoko writes "You have got some idiots (and educated fools and were) among Yorubas who are very illiterate and retarded, who say who gave us such impetus to defend Yoruba Nation? I have seen in every society and even in America, the intelligent people are hard to find and they have always constituted the little coteries that change every society. The intelligent people in America like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Larry pages and a horde of others do not constitute 0.0001 percent of 330 million people that live in America today. Yorubaland would not have been what it is today if not for the genius of one single man whose his obsession with Yorubaland knows no bounds. He put his life on the line for the greater course of Yorubaland. He was captured and sold as captive into New World and after securing his freedom through mass emancipation to Sierra Leone, his love and passion to SINGLE-HANDEDLY developed Yorubaland remains sacrosanct and sacred! Who am I talking about? The one and only greatest and unsung Yoruba Hero “Chief Bishop Ajayi Crowther! This is the man that developed Yorubaland. When he came back from slavery, he based in Freetown Sierra that is why I often say that after Kwara and Western Kogi, Sierra Leone is an extension of Yorubaland because Yorubas found it! Yorubaland had been consumed with senseless internecine wars about who controls the trade routes or gets tolls from slave trade. Yoruba Nation and its people pitched against one another and enviable Nation before became a war-waging Nation. Bishop Ajayi Crowther visited Lagos for the first time and to his astonishment saw that Yorubas still practice slavery and fully involved hunting for captives. He was emotionally letdown, he met many Hausa captives and he insisted that they must be set free. The Oba of Lagos Oba Akinloye got mad about that, he said I did not steal my captives; I bought them for a purpose. Just for the king to exert his hegemonic authority, he asked his warriors to chase Bishop Ajayi Crowther and his entourages and get them killed. More than 20 people died from Bishop Ajayi Crowther entourages and the rest with him escaped back to Sierra Leone! He went back to Sierra Leone like a proverbial ram with moonwalk and came back to Yorubaland better prepared to unity the broken Nation. With such desperation to educate Yoruba people as the first African man to graduate from Forauh Bay College, Sierra Leone. If you read his story very well which I will put the link people, you will see to it that he is a great Yoruba unsung hero! Bishop Ajayi Crowther hired a very big ship to haul his entourages down to Lagos, so that he could achieve his dream of converting Yorubas to Christians and see to it that we have a reformed common language to foster unity! British Empire surveillance military ships that were put in Atlantic Ocean to monitor piracy and slaves haulage caught Bishop Ajayi Crowther rented ship and misconstrued for slaves’ haulage. All of them were captured and shipped back to Sierra Leone for “Trials” in a military court in Freetown. At the end of the day, they were freed after many months of deliberations to ascertain if they were not connected with slavery! After setting him free with others, he was mirthless and dejected, they asked him why so? He said he had got a VISION for MISSION that God obligated him to do. They asked him what is that? He said to spread gospel in his fatherland in Yorubaland! But he wanted the assistances of British power to guard him! When he got to Yorubaland, the first thing he did was to restructure Yoruba language, codify a new Yoruba dictionary and to translate English Bible into Yoruba! That is the only milestone or turn-around that changed Yorubaland for good. Not from any crazy kings or queens and he used Oyo Language as standard but Lagos Yoruba accent has since supplanted Oyo Yoruba Accent! What this short story tells us is “you don’t have to be call to duty before you speak or take actions on behalf of your people”! This book below is written by WILLIAMS BABSCOM, a WHITE MAN who used half of his lifetime written about Yoruba Nation. He also had a book written about Yoruba sixteen cowries! All these books were written in 1800s way before Nigeria’s Amalgamation and that is where you can only find the truth and I hope Igbos will wake up to stop claiming Yorubaland as no man’s land! architecturaldefinitions/history/The%20Destruction%20of%20Lagos%20-%2012135182.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:15:24 +0000

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