Dare 2B Daring – March 4, 2014 A daily devotional published by - TopicsExpress


Dare 2B Daring – March 4, 2014 A daily devotional published by Risk Takers for Christ, Inc. (Permission granted to reprint with proper attribution.) “Many hours are spent with men, how many with your Maker?” – C.H. Spurgeon Ouch! I’ve never been hit between the eyes with an actual wooden two-by-four, but Spurgeon’s question has to be the spiritual equivalent. “Nolo contendre” is a Latin legal term that is used when a defendant doesn’t want to admit guilt, but doesn’t want to contest the charges either. The first time I heard it used was when Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned from office and was brought up on federal corruption charges. Well, I can’t even plead “nolo contendre” because I’m guilty as charged… and I’m guessing that you may be, too. This past Sunday, I attended Sunday School and the morning worship service at our church. Total time spent was about three hours. That afternoon, I ate lunch at an Italian festival in town (1.5 hours), watched some golf on TV (2 hours), napped briefly (30 minutes), and fished a little in the pond near our house (30 minutes). When my wife got home from work, we watched an episode of Blue Bloods and then turned in for the night. Altogether, I spent almost twice as much time feeding my face and relaxing in front of the boob tube as I did fellowshipping with God. And probably like you, that percentage drops precipitously on weekdays when I spend about 30 minutes praying, studying the Bible and reading a few devotionals. It’s no wonder why I often lack the spiritual strength I need, let alone the closer walk with Christ that I supposedly desire. Sigh… And so, I’m determined to increase the amount of time I spend worshipping my Lord and fellowshipping with Him. How about you? “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12 (NKJV) - Rev. Dale M. Glading, President
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:22:09 +0000

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