Dare to Believe TODAY’S SCRIPTURE "But without faith it is - TopicsExpress


Dare to Believe TODAY’S SCRIPTURE "But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6, AMP). TODAY’S WORD Do you ever feel like you are inconveniencing God? Are you content to just barely get by in life, to just endure it? Some people think they are being humble by not asking God for things, but Jesus paid a precious price to give us abundant life! He loves to hear us call upon His name! I encourage you today to be bold and dare to believe God. Don´t just think "survival" when God is thinking "abundance." If you will think bigger, you will see God act bigger in your life. When you release your faith in a big way, God does not say, "Who do they think they are? The nerve of that person." No, when you stretch your faith, it brings a smile to God’s face. He probably says to the angels, "Listen to what they are saying. They believe I can do great things. They believe I can turn any situation around. They have got their trust and confidence in Me, so I am not going to disappoint them!" The Scripture says "our faith pleases God." So take a step of faith today and dare to believe that God will do the impossible in your life! A PRAYER FOR TODAY Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory that You have in store for me. I put my trust in You and choose to live breakthrough–minded. Help me to guard my words and guard my heart so I can stay positioned for everything You have in store for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 09:03:01 +0000

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