Dare to be different. You are who you are. You arent anyone else. - TopicsExpress


Dare to be different. You are who you are. You arent anyone else. Dont let anyone control youre life. Never. God put you on Earth to be an individual. Not a copy. Hi, Im Tay and I care. I have been bullied ever since I started school. The reason why is because I had a birth mark on my nose that was about the size of a dime. They would call me mole face or they wouod say Im growing another face. I had two amazing friends stick up for me. I didnt get bulliedfor a long time. Then i started middle school. We went to 18 kids to around 50. That is what started it all. I got called stupid, ugly, a whore, and alot more nasty names. I started looking at myself and thinking that im ugly and that no guy will ever love me. Then I met the awesomest guy on Earth (not really coz we have known each other for a while but we never really talked lol). I had my first crush. He treated me like a sister. I finally asked him out. We arent dating anymore but we wernt really coz we treated each other like best friends. After I thought.. Im not ugly Im not stupid. Then it started up again. That feeling like you arent good enough. Thats called Atelophobia. It sucks. I started therapy today. The lady really helped me and I also found out that I have ADHD. The lady has a class. How to stop bullying in 7 days. I am really looking forward to sharing what she is going to tell me. Demi Lavato has helped me realize that being different is OK. Note to all victims of bullying. YOU ARE NOT WHAT THEY SAY YOU ARE! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE INTELLIGENT! YOU ARENT A SHOW OFF! You are you and thats OK. You arent invisible. You are a human. Stand up for yourself. Note to all bystanders. Stand up for that person that is getting bullied. They might not be your favorite person. But still! They are a living person. They have feelings. Help em out. PLEASE! Thank you for reading my story and my notes to you guys.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:50:18 +0000

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