Dark Moon@10 degrees of Aries: 30th March, 6.46 PM UT. 31st March, - TopicsExpress


Dark Moon@10 degrees of Aries: 30th March, 6.46 PM UT. 31st March, 5.46 AM AEDT. We have come to the time of the month again, where not only will a new lunar phase begin, but so too will a new astrological cycle, as we return to the sign of Aries. Aries is at the beginning of the zodiac, so this means that the month of April will be infused with lots of new beginnings. Before this can happen though, we need to say goodbye to things that are taking our focus away from where we truly need to be. Sometimes this can be a very hard process though, as for reasons only known to ourselves, we become attached to certain people, places, and situations. To gain more clarity around this, you will need to honestly ask yourself if the things that youre involving yourself in are bringing you closer to the life that you wish to live, or further away from it? Once you have established this, you can then go about putting thought into action, and work towards obtaining your goals step by step. As the dark moon falls at a degree thats not too far from the upcoming cardinal cross, you will see hints of whats to come later in the month. In fact, you may even decide to start making changes now, so that theres not so much of a shock factor later on. Aries is great at giving us the motivation we need to get out of any ruts that were in, and to let go of limiting thoughts, behaviours, and habits. If you have been putting anything off, now is the time to start the energy flowing again. As April is a 2 month-which is ruled by the Moon- so there will be times where emotions are heightened and conflict is inevitable. It is likely that your buttons will be pressed this month, so be aware of this when interacting with others. Also be mindful of using others as a projection for all of your pain and perceived shortcomings. Sometimes our biggest teachers are the ones who trigger us the most, as they open up a gateway of healing by showing us what wounds are still in operation. Even though it can be hard to see at the time, this truly is a gift! The influence of this Aries Moon will help you tap into your inner strength and courage, and give you the tools you need to start exploring the unknown. Aries blesses us with the ability to start making positive changes in our lives, by increasing our confidence levels so that we can take on new challenges. We can also expect to see an increase in assertiveness-especially those of you who find it difficult to speak up. April is a huge month, and I will be updating regularly as we approach the eclipses and the Cardinal Cross. Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter are already in alignment with each other, and are just waiting for the last piece of the jigsaw to fall into place with Mars. The three planets that I mentioned above, will make contact with this Moon, and will have the added effect of intensifying your experience-especially in the realm of family, transformation, and peeling back the layers to reveal who you really are. I cant stress enough how important it is to get real with yourself. No more pretending, and no more hiding. If you want to change your life, do it!! The power is within you, and the planets will support you-whether your ready or not!! Fiery Aries Moon Blessings to you all. )O(
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 09:02:37 +0000

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