"Dark Side of Harassment" Irmgard Kronsbein-Bellchambers - TopicsExpress


"Dark Side of Harassment" Irmgard Kronsbein-Bellchambers commented on Electronic Magnetic Harassment - The Invisible Crime. crownjul1.wordpress/?replytocom=57416#respond My reply, You are free to write what you want to write, true or not. I wrote the truth. I can only tell you the truth. I am no subversive propagandist and I do not work for the government and spew disinformation. Your form is just one of many being used to discredit the truth and you have many names you call yourself here. The real world I am afraid you are not promoting but providing disinformation to debunk the truth that the USA implant communication systems in their citizens and animals. These are those that are used to orchestrate society. They exist in every avenue of human involvement. These for example are your prodigies, your actors, reporters, politicians and as I said they exist in every walk of life. Here are other uses of radio implanted individuals. They have been used to create a crusade of wars by the airline bombing of the Twin Towers 9/11/2001. This gave the USA Pentagon their foot into the door to invoke war time powers and the creation of the Patriot Act and NSA. Prior to this was John Hinckley, Jr. used to create the Brady Bill. Then Timothy McVeigh. Children shooting children and since then there have been too many senseless murders. Their purpose: To disarm the public concerning fire arms, body armor, type of bullets and fire power. Because of these events laws have come about that protect the government by taking away evidence from the people and by wiretapping, and staying one step ahead of those who can expose the USA Government for the many crimes of their many agencies. I well repeat, your form is just one of many being used in the USA to discredit the truth and hide the fascist evil The USA Government has succumb to.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 01:25:16 +0000

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