Darkstar Origins: New places, New people, The same old killing as - TopicsExpress


Darkstar Origins: New places, New people, The same old killing as before.... The desert sky went by slowly with the blazing sun covering the endless sands of time, sand blown into the wind, swirling back and forth through the humid, warm air. The merciless Desert of Kali was always like this, a place where only souls of the dead would rest, or at least a insane man or a man with no where to go would ever travel. The desert had always been known as a giant graveyard where many restless souls would end up at, a place where seeing the ghost of soldiers of the past have been seen countless times, over and over. This will never change thought, this desert will always be the place of death, many mysterious hidden beneath the sands of forgotten time. A bird slowly flew over a dust storm, the black bird flew over-head, flapping it black feathered wings softly, circling the sandstorm from a safe height, looking at something that was in the middle of this terrible sandstorm, almost as if the thing had caught its curiosity. A figure moved slowly through the sandstorm, it was hazy, but the bird could seen the figure wearing a black cloak, the hood over its face, not reveling its identity as it moved through the windy storm, sand flying up all around him and suddenly as the storm had worsen, the bird saw a flashing crimson light from inside the hood of the figure and suddenly the storm had ended, the winds stopping immediately, dropping the grinds of sands. The figure stood there and looked up at the black bird, the crimson light gone, and the bird slowly flew towards the giant horizon of a sand dune that blocked the vision of the figure from what was ahead for him and he slowly begin to walk towards the dune, covered in its enormous shadow that stretched out. Soon, after a long steep walk up the dune, the cloaked figure took his last step towards being on top of the dune, as the same black bird flew over him and across the horizon were pillars from ruins that were buried beneath the sands, but one thing stayed above ground, the figure could see a set of stairs that lead down into a tomb as torches were lit on the side of the walkway that lead up to the set of stairs that lead down to the deep, dark crypt. The figure slowly raised his hands and pulled back on the hood of his cloak slowly, his dark hair falling over his forehead, the man had white skin color and had the face of a 21 year old and looked very handsome with his deep, mysterious, crimson eyes and a soft smirk came over his face, There it is, the entrance to the crypt.... the man announced as he gazed off at the site of ruins with a soft smirk of interest and his gaze disappeared as he looked down and he pulled something out of his cloak, a silver pocket watch that had a star encased into a circle on the back, engraved into the shinning, sliver pocket watch. The short hand rested on the II as the long minute hand rested between the VI and VII, 2:33 P.M the man announced softly to his self, Perfect... he said softly as he placed it back into his cloak and he smirked softly at the ruins. I hope youre in there, Kenshin Motto- the man whispered softly, -If not, Toloko Darkstar is going be very sad... Toloko softly said with a smirk and then he suddenly jumped down from the top of the gigantic sand dune and suddenly disappeared in a set of dark flames. Heading towards his objective that he was given down from the Darkstar Organization, from the leader and his father,Din Neon Darkstar. (End of part one: Introduction)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:59:29 +0000

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