Darlins Im pleased that you love these paranormal entities. - TopicsExpress


Darlins Im pleased that you love these paranormal entities. Tequila 10 Series is all about them! Im introducing you to my special ops. Heres a little excerpt - A few days later, Fierce strides urgently down the white hallway and into the room to stand at the front of the room. He gazes at the Tequila 10 operatives nodding. Yeah, they’re all here, he thinks. Fierce is the most powerful Sorcerer in the universe. He, along with selected representatives from several entities, monitors the supernatural community. Fierce has several special abilities: telekinesis (psychic power that allows him to move things with his mind), teleportation, telepathy (mind reading), and magic. Physically he’s a hunk. He has black wavy hair, and light silver-gray eyes as clear as the water. His eyes are absolutely striking and unusual. He always wears shades to hide his eyes from the world. Fierce is tall and toned, despite the fact that he’s always eating. He is an excellent cook. Fierce waves his hand around the room to insulate them from the world. “We have a few minutes to discuss the renegade’s status. We’re good in house. The mavericks are stagnant, for now,” states Fierce. He looks over at the Vhampiers; Prince Maximilian Vlastimir, Rage, and his two brothers. Prince Michael Vlastimir, Hunger, and Prince Gregory Vlastimir, Rebel. Rage is next in line to the throne in their realm. Fierce narrows his eyes on Prince Gregory Vlastimir, Rebel. The Vhampiers are telepathic (read minds), can teleport, and have the power of healing, with either their blood or their touch. The Vhampiers have brilliant eyes that have a special reflective layer, called the tapetum lucidum, inside their eyeballs that enables them to see clearly in the night. Thats why the Vhampiers are nocturnal creatures. Theyre able to survive in daylight, but prefer night due to their sensitive eyes and light skin. “Rage, I have intel that the Vhampiers are getting restless. They want to mate with the humans. What are your thoughts? How are you going to handle this? You know that we’re here to monitor and prevent any type of abuse towards the humans,” says Fierce, leaning back in his chair. “Fierce, Vhampiers will not run wild. There will be no rampage of rape and abuse. The Vhampier population has slowly declined over the last century. In fact, there aren’t any female vhamps available to mate. It’s a known fact that we can mate and conceive with humans. Our law prohibits the Vhampiers mating with humans. Our Emperor Vlastimir instituted this law for the sole purpose of controlling our population. The Vhampiers have abstained from mating with the humans, but we now have reached a critical state. Our Emperor Vlastimir has asked that we request permission to mate with human women,” replies Rage. Yeah, our sire, The Emperor Vlastimir has requested that we mate. He’s concerned with the lack of heirs, ponders Rage. “I also need to find a mate. I need to produce an heir. Hunger and Rebel will also eventually need to mate,” states Rage, stoically. Fierce contemplates this situation, nodding. “We need to have the Vhampiers understand that they only can have a mate and not a playmate,” replies Fierce, narrowing his eyes. Six operatives on the team are shape shifters. There are three werewolves: Storm, Dawn, and Red. Blush and Fire are dragon shifters and Cosmic is a weretiger. The werewolves are able to transform at will into their wolf form. They’re telepathic, and empathic (can read emotions). The werewolves can read their mates, their pack, and humans. They can’t, however, read other entities. As empaths, they have the ability to read the psyche, feelings, or life occurrences. Not all werewolves have these traits. Storm and Dawn possess these abilities and they’re very useful to the team. Storm’s empathic ability allows her to read past events. Dawn’s empathic ability lets her see future events. Austin Moore, Red, is also telepathic, but his other ability is extremely unusual for a werewolf. He can become invisible. Storm considers the Vhampiers’ situation, nodding as she comes to her conclusion. Yep, it’s only logical that they would need to mate with humans. It’s been a known fact for a while that Vhampiers are almost to the point of extinction, she thinks. “I agree,” says Dawn, nodding, as she pulls her hair into a ponytail. Rebel glances over at Dawn, clenching his jaw. Hell, I need to see my sweet girl and I don’t know how it’s going to work for us. I know it’s going to be hell when my Sire learns of this. It’s not looked on well in the supernatural communities, thinks Rebel. “Fierce, I agree with the Vhampiers. We know that they won’t harm the humans. The supernatural communities have lived amongst the humans for centuries. Only the mavericks attempt to harm them,” says Storm. “Yes, I agree,” says Cosmic. He leans back in the chair with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. “We know that the Vhampiers are peaceful and only want to live and enjoy their immortal life.” Cosmic is a beautiful weretiger. He’s a white tiger and has beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Cosmic is tall, strong and blonde. His face is a beautiful sculpted work of nature. In his human form, he has those same beautiful sapphire blue eyes, unless he becomes angry. At those times, his eyes flash a brilliant gold. His special abilities are rare for a were-tiger. He can teleport and he’s able to heal. He’s the monarch of his realm. Tequila 10 dragon shifters, Blush and Fire, are also powerful. They have magical powers and can teleport. They contemplate the situation for a few moments. The Draco, Fire, is Blush’s brother. He’s a huge muscular gorgeous man but in his dragon form he’s even more amazing. His dragon skin is a beautiful sapphire blue that shimmers with a hint of silver. His eyes are an incredible blue with silver specks. “Agreed. Vhampiers need to mate for the survival of their breed,” says Fire. He looks over at Blush, raising one eyebrow. “Yeah, of course I agree. We all have to mate eventually and they’re lucky that they can select their mates. Good luck, Vhampiers, and best wishes,” says Blush. She crosses her arms with frustration and looks out the window. Wonderful dream, to be able to fall in love and mate, she thinks. I don’t have that option. I’m going to marry Prince Connor Dracostar. He’s the youngest prince in the Dracostar cosmic sphere realm. I’ve been promised to him since birth but I don’t know him. I’ve managed to spend very little time in the Dracostar realm, she thinks. She sighs closing her eyes. I haven’t lived on Dracostar. My family realm is located in the Dracosmic realm. I’m still trying to understand why I was selected to be his mate. I know that my family is a direct descendent of the Draco deity. “Red,” asks Fierce. He turns to gaze at the other werewolf, who narrows his eyes and leans back in his chair. Austin Moore, Red, glares at Fierce. Well, damn! I wanted to marry Jennifer Kelly, a human, a century ago. I was ordered not to mate by the Realms Council. Damn it! “The Vhampiers’ situation is unique,” states Fierce. “I agree,” says Red, nodding. He’s furious at his rotten luck. He clenches his jaw. “It’s sanctioned. The Vhampiers will be allowed to mate with the humans. Now, we need to wrap this up,” says Fierce. He waves his hand to release the insulation. He crosses his arms, turning to look at Commander Wood, who is coming down the hall. Now we can mate! Our people will be glad to hear that, thinks Rage, closing his eyes. I thought that there were going to be objections from the Realms Council. I’m thrilled that there weren’t.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:10:56 +0000

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