Darren Wilson has made the lamentable decision to go public and - TopicsExpress


Darren Wilson has made the lamentable decision to go public and get interviewed about his role in all this wreck. Not surprisingly, his conscience is clear and he was just doing his job. He didnt need to mention his conscience was clear; I didnt imagine this affected his sleep one bit, any of this. I mean, within months of pulling the trigger of his gun over and over until he scored the red mist of a headshot on some big kid- who, despite his tender years was a known menace to local convenient stores for shoplifting and a menace to local motorists known for jaywalking- he had gone down to the chapel to get married. Darren Wilson married his wife (shes a cop, too, btw) in October. This almost instantly transports him from intolerable individual status, to ludicrously intolerable couple status, with a magic that can only be born from two violence-for-pleasure-seeking authoritarian white people actually wanting to sleep together and jointly file income tax returns. Oh, and also wear badges and carry guns and have licenses to kill you or me if they decide they feel threatened by us. I can only imagine the romance leading up to him dropping the big question: Hey babe, while I was gunning down that kid, I was only thinking of you. Be my wife- make me as happy every day as I was on the day when I popped that thug in his melon head and made Ferguson a little safer for all white people. Oh Darren... do you think we could move to a bad neighborhood where maybe wed have a higher chance of being forced to shoot a black intruder? We could do it together with our service sidearms! It would be so romantic... Of course, babe. No matter where I go, from this day forward Ill have every reasonable suspicion that every black person in the world means me harm. We could take out a jogger or a delivery man, and just repeat over and over that we were scared, we wanted to live, and we were sure he had a weapon, and well be fine. Shit, theyll print more T-shirts for us, appoint a good old boy DA to look at the details of the case, and well be sipping Wild Turkey by our above-ground pool that same evening. You make everything into a fairy tale for me, Darren.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:37:07 +0000

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