Darren Wilson testimony to the Grand Jury (part 2 of ?) When - TopicsExpress


Darren Wilson testimony to the Grand Jury (part 2 of ?) When last seen, Officer Wilson had finished describing the confrontation with Michael Brown up through the fatal shots, and Ms W had ask him to go back and describe his thoughts at the beginning of the chase. Wilson said that his goal was to keep his eyes on Brown so that when the backup arrived Brown could be arrested. Wilson was ordering Brown to stop during the chase. He did not fire any shots while Brown was running away. Wilson did not see Dorian Johnson during the chase. Eventually Brown turned around. Wilson has no idea why he turned around [ed: it couldn’t possibly be because a policeman with a gun was yelling at him telling him to stop] Wilson said, “His reaction to the whole thing was something I’ve never seen. I’ve never seen that much aggression so quickly from a simple request to just walk on the sidewalk.” Wilson never mentioned the Cigarillos to Brown because “I never had the chance to.” After firing the last round of shots, Wilson knew that Brown was dead. That’s when he sent a radio request for a supervisor and more cars. He did not approach Brown’s body. The second officer on the scene arrived “seconds later” and asked Wilson what he needed. Wilson does not remember his reply. The officer then asked if an ambulance had been called. When Wilson said “no” the officer called for one. The officers than began securing the scene with crime-scene tape and by using their vehicles to block access. The sergeant arrived and shortly thereafter [The conversation with the sergeant as related by Wilson] Wilson: I have to tell you what happened.” Sergeant: What happened? Wilson: I had to kill him. Sergeant: You what? Wilson: He grabbed my gun. I shot him. I killed him. Sergeant: Go sit in the car. Wilson: I can’t be singled out. It’s already getting hostile. I will leave if you want me to leave. Sergeant: Take my car and leave. [end of conversation with Sergeant] Ms W: In your mind him grabbing the gun is what made the difference where you felt you had to use a weapon to stop him? Wilson: Yes. Once he was hitting me in the face, that’s enough in my mind to authorize the use of force. Ms W: Okay. So if he would not have grabbed your gun while he was hitting you in the face you still would have used deadly force? A: My gun was already being presented as a deadly force option while he was hitting me in the face. Ms W: Okay, I wanted to ask you about your relationship with the residents in the Canfield Green Apartments. Did you guys have a volatile, well, how can I put this. Did you not really get along well with the folks that lived in that apartment? Not you personally, I mean the police in general? Wilson: It is an anti-police area for sure. Ms W: Tell me more. Wilson: There’s a lot of gangs that reside or associate with that area. There’s a lot of violence in that area. There’s a lot of gun activity, drug activity. It is just not a very well-liked community. That community does not like the police. Ms W: Were you pretty much on high alert being in that community by yourself, especially when Michael Brown said, “f**k what you say?” Wilson: Yes That is not an area where you can take anything really lightly. Like I said, it is a hostile environment. There are good people over there, there really are, but I mean there is an influx of gang activity in that area. On his way back to the station, Wilson noticed that he was hearing calls on the car radio, but not on his personal radio. That’s when he noticed the radio was on the wrong channel. Ms W: When you first went out on Canfield Green Wilson: I said, “Frank 21, I’m on Canfield with two. Send me another car.” Ms W: It wasn’t a stressful situation at that point? Wilson: No it wasn’t, but I just had that gut feeling that someone else need to be there and knowing that this guy just sole from the market because I saw the Cigarillos and the black shirt, I felt that in order to effect the arrest it would be better to have. Ms W: You asked for this other car before any words were exchanged, correct? Wilson: No, he had already told me, “F**k what you have to say.” That’s when I saw the Cigarillos and said “send me another car.” Ms W: You didn’t tell the dispatcher that you were having a confrontation, or that you had these guys who might be the suspects in the stealing? Wilson: No I wanted to get the information out. Get a car started, and once more develops I can advise them of more. There is lots more to come, but this is a reasonable pausing place.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:59:39 +0000

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