Darwin High School The history of Darwin High School is closely - TopicsExpress


Darwin High School The history of Darwin High School is closely interwoven with the history of the Northern Territory in general and Northern Territory education in Darwin High School 1911 particular. Secondary education was first offered in the immediate post World War II years at Darwin Higher Primary School in Woods Street administered from South Australia. In 1956, a set of makeshift buildings adjacent to the Primary School formed the nucleus of Darwin High School with 100 students in attendance. In 1957 Darwin High School adopted the motto ESSE QUAM VIDERI, which means To Be Rather Than To Seem To Be. This motto is incorporated into the current logo and is shared by seven other Australian schools. In 1963, Darwin High School moved to its present very attractive site at Bullocky Point. The School was opened on Monday 4 July, 1966 by the Governor General, Lord Casey.Darwin High 1953 Cavenagh st In 1974, Cyclone Tracy provided the opportunity for the buildings to become much more than a school to many thousands of people in Darwin. On that Christmas Day, and for several weeks afterwards, a communal kitchen and a huge supermarket operated at the School. In spite of all the difficulties of that period, the 1975 school year started at Darwin High School only one week later than the scheduled starting date. Enrolments on the first day were 575, almost double the number expected. Prior to 1973, the responsibility for the provision of education in the Northern Territory was with the South Australian Government. From 1973 to 1978, the Commonwealth Government assumed this responsibility. In 1979, the control of education in the Northern Territory passed from the Commonwealth Government to the newly established Northern Territory Government. The modern DHS was built on the site of Vesteys Meat works and all that remains is the water tank that supplied much needed water to the factory. The Tank was converted into a multipurpose complex with one half serving as a gymnasium and a Dance/Drama Auditorium, and the other half as an Ampitheatre. . The Tank continued for some years to supplement the citys water supply. In March 1989, the remnants of the Darwin Mobile Force returned to Bullocky Point to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their posting here in March 1939. Senior Students taking the NT Studies Course used the veterans services to research landmarks and relics of that period. The School is justifiably proud of the role it has played in the development of Darwin and the Northern Territory, and in the fact that it continues to provide an excellent opportunity for students to gain a sound basis for their future.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:19:05 +0000

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