Dash Arts Café, English PEN and the British Ukrainian Society - TopicsExpress


Dash Arts Café, English PEN and the British Ukrainian Society presented the work of Ukrainian poet Ihor Pavlyuk and used it as inspiration for an insightful conversation about Ukraine today. Ihor himself read poems from his new book and these readings were emotionally rendered by the poet and translator Stephen Kormanyckyj (who is also a publisher kalynalanguagepress/) Joining these two on the panel were Josephine Burton (co-Artistic Director of Dash Arts - dasharts.org.uk), Annabelle Chapman (journalist and Economist blogger - annabellechapman) as well as an old university friend of Ihors called Yuriy. The panel engaged in an excellent discussion of Ukraine in the light of recent events in Euromaidan and Crimea. Their conversation added a welcome ray of truth to the current discourse about Ukraine.The evening began with the haunting and soulful music of Olesya Zdorovetska (olesyadorovetska), also featured here. Recording and live streaming by conducted by Happenstance Live Event Audio (LEA) (happenstanceradio). All rights reserved. --Collaborator links:English PEN - englishpen.org British Ukrainian Society - britishukrainiansociety.org Listen here: https://soundcloud/happenstance-happening/dash-cafe-richmix-london-5-3
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 07:57:55 +0000

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