Dat NPFL though!! This is long and mostly related to Crossfit - TopicsExpress


Dat NPFL though!! This is long and mostly related to Crossfit so...non-crossfitters...ya been warned. I wanted to give a belated summary of my experiences at the NPFL combine. So many of my friends were so supportive of me going down there. That was really special to me. First off a big thank you to Sasha Specht. Without whom the entire trip would have been drudgery and a total bust. Instead it was very much a win. The jump from my little kiddie pool to a larger pond was eye opening. First, a summary of the events and my performance. The combine is a 3 day event (one day for males, one for females then a cut for day 3 where people will compete on teams). The way day 1 works is there are roughly 20 stations. About half are 1RM in various power and olympic lifts. Others are skill work (hand walking, hspu, c2b, rope climbs etc) a few were wods. Between 9am and 5pm you can do as many (or as few) as you like. The idea is to highlight your strengths and do enough to get noticed and picked to compete on day 3. With Sashas help I picked only exercises that I might do well in. I wanted to get about 10 in. I ended up doing only 8. And of those 8 I was darn near dead last. Not just among the young men, but even if you only counted the oldies. You can see the results here: https://combine.profitnessleague/combines/1/performances?gender=male&age=over_forty I am good at HSPU. In that I ended up toward the bottom of the middle overall. I considered it a victory to come within one of Dusty. I can only assume he was injured. :) So I *only* picked those things where I would rank the highest. And in almost every case I was either DEAD LAST or close enough to not make a difference. I will often win running wods at home. DEAD LAST in the shuttle run. And these guys were *big*. I am ok at farmers carry. I was pleased with my distance of 220 feet. Ron Mathews carried 155# in each hand for *380*. Darn near double my distance. I can walk on my hands ok (and I am a smaller guy, so gymnastics moves should be easier). *DEAD LAST* in handstand walking. If the gods are with me I can do well with wods that have DU. *DEAD LAST* in DU. The majority of the athletes did more exercises than I did. So they did more. And they did it better. In some cases a *lot* better. These guys have trained *hard*. For years. And it pays off. They are incredible athletes and it was an honor to get to share a stage with them. It taught me so much about what is possible. I very much look forward to seeing these guys and gals tear it up on the grid in the fall.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 05:52:48 +0000

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