Date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:13 PM A new Historical Bond Tax - TopicsExpress


Date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:13 PM A new Historical Bond Tax Treaty went into effect at 12:01 AM EST Friday in the USA. This was the last piece of the international law and compliance puzzle because it restored the dignity of the Chinese people, as well as settled their past due international gold commitments. - The treaty was altered to include Euros and Pound Sterlings along with the new USA TRN/ USN. - The Admiral received his release authorization sometime before sunrise Friday in the USA. There is a methodical process now in place to disburse reevaluated funds, known only to the Admiral and the Elders. Expect them to be very methodical and calculated in their funding payouts, as not to place unnecessary stress on the new algorithms designed to regulate/monitor the global money supply. - The X-Stream software platform (Nasdaq) has been tested and is operational to prevent high frequency trading from egregiously taking advantage and/or crashing the new system. - The global gold signatory physically was in Zurich and London for vault SKR sign offs. - All universal administrative holds were lifted (we cannot emphasize strongly enough how significant this single event is for the worlds long-term prosperity), when two generals from China witnessed a Treasury Department Head Representative, along with the Admiral and a Chinese Elder Banking Representative, perform release protocols that ended the universal administrative hold via Elder SKR gold approval. Together, they literally threw the switch launching the new parallel banking system that was decades in the making. - The birth of the Global Currency Revaluation officially began at 12:01 PM CST Thursday 10.16.14 (12:01 AM EST Friday 10.17.14 in the USA). The Chinese have long said this would be a day time event ... and it was. - This same day time event was originally scheduled for Wednesday, 10.1.14--but the delay of two weeks was exchanged for additional removals of US military bases and weapon systems in Europe and Asia. You see, whenever there was a delay in pre-agreed GCR implementation protocol, the planet was intentionally made more peaceful and/or healthier. LAST DONATION REQUEST LAST REQUEST FOR YOUR HELP. Your Donation Support For John’s Family Survival appreciated. My family Internet was going down Friday need $100! BLOG STILL ALIVE AND PAYMENT WAS MADE ON TIME THANKS TO YOUR SUPPORT. Use the Pay pal button on the upper left or Checks/MOs can be mailed to John MacHaffie, 141 Partridge Circle, Winter Springs, FL 32708 FOREX WATCH THE FOREX THIS WEEK FOR RESET. DINAR & DONG ARE SUPPOSE TO SHOW UP. GREEN LIGHT FOR GOING TO THE BANK Easy way to keep up with the Forex Exchange Rates. Notice these are out of CDT with time posted. IQD - Dinar at: barchart/quotes/forex/%5EUSDIQD VND - Dong at: barchart/quotes/forex/%5EUSDVND Thursday, October 16, 2014 THE EBOLA SECRET WHY OBAMA ORDERED EBOLA RELEASED! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - OCT. 16, 2014 -4:22 P.M. THE EBOLA SECRET WHY OBAMA ORDERED EBOLA RELEASED! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - OCT. 16, 2014 YEARS AGO WHEN J. EDGAR HOOVER WAS ALIVE, I CONTACTED HIM AND SHOWED HIM TWO SECRETS OF THE F.B.I. THAT NO ONE WAS EVER SUPPOSED TO KNOW. I THEN COMMENTED TO HIM THAT I DID THIS TO SHOW HIM THAT I COULD CRACK THE SECURITY OF ANY GOVERNMENT ON EARTH. OVER THE YEARS I HAVE CRACKED THE SECURITY OF A NUMBER OF GOVERNMENTS BY TRICK INTELLIGENCE TACTICS THEY HAD NO DEFENSE AGAINST IN THEIR SECURITY POLICIES. I GOT ALL THE ADVANCED NUCLEAR ATTACK PLANS TO ANNIHILATE AMERICA WITH FROM THE MOSCOW INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES. LATER, A DEFENSE DEPT. OFFICIAL HAD A PRIVATE MEETING WITH ME IN A PARK IN WASH., D.C. AND TOLD ME THAT ONE WARNING THAT I GAVE TO THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF AT THE PENTAGON LIKELY SAVED AMERICA FROM POTENTIAL NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION IF WORLD WAR CAME LATER. THEY HAD NOT FORESEEN THIS ANGLE TO ANNIHILATE AMERICA WITH UNTIL I SHOWED IT TO THEM. ONCE SEEING THE ANGLE, THEN THEY COULD SET UP DEFENSE POLICIES TO TRY AND BLOCK IT FROM ANNIHILATING AMERICA. ANOTHER TIME A RETIRED PENTAGON OFFICIAL GAVE ME A MESSAGE INDICATED FROM THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF. FOR MY SLAVIC ROYAL ALLIANCE RUSE OVER SOVIET INTELLIGENCE, THEY RATED THAT I HAD APPARENTLY SAVED AMERICA FROM A PLANNED NUCLEAR ATTACK OR ELSE MILITARY TAKEOVER OF AMERICA BY THE SOVIET UNION. I WAS CALLED A MICHELANGELO IN GENIUS IN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. YOU COULD TELL ME LIKE MICHELANGELO TO CREATE MASTERPIECES IN ART, BUT NOT HOW TO CREATE THESE MASTERPIECES. THEY SAID FOR ME TO BE A MICHELANGELO IN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AND CREATE MASTERPIECES FOR THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF AMERICA. I WAS AUTHORIZED TO DO ANYTHING IN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE THAT I JUDGED WOULD WORK. IN 1990, THE F.B.I. MET WITH ME AT MY LARGE RETAIL STORE AT SENECA, SC. THEY SAID THAT THEY WERE IN A JAM AND IF THEY COULD NOT SOLVE A MYSTERY, AMERICA MIGHT FACE A SUDDEN NUCLEAR WAR WITH THE SOVIET UNION. THEY SAID THAT THEIR SECRET F.B.I. COMPUTER FILES ON ME INDICATED THAT I WAS ONE OF THE TOP TEN TO TWENTY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GENIUSES IN AMERICA. I WAS SURPRISED THAT THEY SPOKE SO HONESTLY TO ME FOR ONCE. I KNEW THE ANSWER THAT THEY NEEDED TO KEEP AMERICA OUT OF A PENDING NUCLEAR WAR III WITH THE SOVIET UNION. I DID NOT TELL THEM THAT I HAD ALREADY OBTAINED WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE THE TOP SECRET PLAN OF THE SOVIET UNION FOR THE NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION OF AMERICA. WHEN THE SENIOR F.B.I. AGENT ASKED ME WHY I WAS IN AN UNKNOWN SPOT ON THE MAP CALLED SENECA, I SAID EVERYONE NOTICES EVERYONE IN WASH., D.C. NO ONE NOTICES ME IN SENECA, SC. (Soviet Union did not know that I was still around and had thought that I had probably been murdered by some source of Wash., D.C. They copied my style of tricking foreign governments which they apparently learned by studying how I had tricked them and would not have tried it on Wash., D.C. if they knew I was still around. I was amazed a bit. Wash., D.C. fell for these tricks as well as Soviet Moscow had but not knowing that I was still alive, would have worked to set up the annihilation of America if I had not guided Wash., D.C. right so it got out of the ambush for the planned nuclear annihilation of America. I once told one person what the Soviet plan of then was for the annihilation of America. The person hearing it said, God! Dont ever tell anyone else this! If any foreign nation ever found out about this tactic, America would be annihilated! Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I agreed with this person that this plan was far too deadly to ever show Wash., D.C. and with their poor security, some foreign nation might learn what the Soviet plan of 1990-91 was for the annihilation of America. Obama at the White House had the misfortune to catch my attention and convince me that he is the biggest traitor in America ever to be in office in Wash., D.C. This whole Ebola Crisis for America and foreign nations is a private scheme of his to make him dictator of America and potentially dictator of the world if his plan can be carried out far enough. If the Democrats had not protected him from criminal investigation in the White House, the Republicans could have removed him from the White House and likely Joe Biden would then have become President to succeed him between elections. Yesterday I found out the secret to this Ebola Crisis that clearly shows that Obama is trying to make himself dictator of America with it and as his ambitions are so big, he might be shooting for dictator of the world as well after killing enough people with the Ebola Crisis in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, America and Canada and Mexico as neighbors, Central and Latin America, etc. Pick the day and I will be glad to testify before Congress before the November election the giant secret that Obama has hidden from the American people and world over this Ebola Crisis. I will be glad to bring with me as a second witness a former member of the U.S. Air Force who had top secret clearance while on active duty. I will not agree to testify in secret, but in open testimony with the news media including TV invited to see what I will testify on. There is no way Obamas Ebola Secret is going to remain secret if I testify before Congress! Once the American people hear my testimony, they will be enraged enough at Obama to want to promptly hang him for plotting the murder of even 200 million Americans as the price to make him dictator of America. I suggest to Congress that you should tell Obama to promptly resign from the White House and fly to another country before a flood of arrest warrants come after him in America! If he resigns before the November election, I will agree to a private session then and not let go public what the testimony is about. However, I will want an agreement by Congress for prompt passage of my Omni Law soon after in America. This is necessary so America will never face again such a monstrous and evil plan against America ever to be launched from an evil leader in Wash., D.C. again and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. backing such a plan hatched from the pits of hell itself! If I am bluffing on such information, feel free to crucify me any and all ways you want to. I am not worried about that as I have the goods on Obama and other traitors in Democratic circles who apparently are in on this the biggest plot of high treason in the national history of America. I am no amateur in such a game of power who will be allowed to rule over America or else blocked from ruling over America. My mother was once rated by I.Q. rating to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and my own I.Q. when I first came to Wash., D.C. was officially scored at a prestigious location as being beyond scientific measurement. I overwhelmed the time factor for measurement so they were forced to such an extreme statement. I am smart, not dumb, but what shows really smart brains is I am surrounded by brilliant friends and always respected common sense in any issue from any source. Throw my bright friends in with me and I think we make a pretty powerful brain trust for America. If I testify publicly before Congress, I will not make a fool of myself in testimony, but Obama will probably be trying to fly away from America as fast as he can if once the American people hear my testimony and that of my very bright friend who served in top secret areas of the U.S. Air Force. Once you know the Obama secret about Ebola, it should then be pretty easy to stop the spread of Ebola and quickly remove it as a threat from America and other nations. As for the military, on behalf of the American people, I tell you from a legal standpoint that Obama is not legally President of America and definitely do not obey any commands of his to try and put America under martial law. This is where his plan is to turn America into killing fields for mass murder of Americans. To help Congress out, I will be willing to act as a background adviser to a Washington program to fast get the upper hand over the Ebola threat for America and also the world as they are now threatened by the Obama Ebola scheme likewise! Lets fast rid this Ebola threat from America and the world! Congress totally failed to police treason and corruption going on in the federal government. Once the Omni Law is passed, this solves that problem to police illegal activity within the government so it does not happen again in American history. The Omni Law is shown on my website and full name is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. For good reasons I used the pen name of Erasmus Of America, but the F.B.I. and probably all other intelligence sources can easily tell you who Erasmus Of America is and where he lives. The Secret Service visited me a few months ago when the NSA and/or CIA did an extremely slop job of a failed legal frameup scheme which led straight back to them instead of to me as the Secret Service admitted in private. Obama protected the guilty parties so they could not be prosecuted under federal law. They were acting under his orders and messed up so badly, even the Secret Service admitted this was maybe the dumbest effort at trying to legally frame someone that they had ever seen in White House history. They knew that I did not do anything wrong and the question was who was so colossally dumb as to make such a totally obvious attempt at legal frameup? I told them D.K. and NSA and/or CIA associates and told the Secret Service how to track them down. American people. we still have a highly corrupt news media which is out to protect non-public secret interests and so censor the news if you will let them at times in key issues. Push this national report all over America. Copy and paste it as an email over the internet, blast it out all over America, and Obama is stopped from his incredibly vicious plan how to even kill off 200 million Americans in order to make him intended dictator of America. Ancient Rome had their Nero who fiddled while Rome burned. We have Obama who also wanted to burn down America in effect and feast at the White House until all opposition to his intended national dictatorship was crushed by mass murder of the American people using rogue elements in the government to serve him instead of the American people and America as a nation. My national website is fastboomamericaneconomy The email for our movement to pass the Omni Law is fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail If people want to order anything from our website but pay through the mail instead of through the website, our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for and of course any mailing address for you if shipments are to go to you. The website was to help promote passage of the Omni Law and also help with finances to make this passage of the Omni Law happen faster. When the Omni Law is passed, as many know, we plan to give America a giant new national industry as the new leader of the world food market and can create even millions of new jobs in America with this! And might produce enough new national income for America as to be in a class of income like the oil cartel and make America incredibly rich off of this giant super food technology we have and no one else in the world has! Pass this report around all over America and watch the rats jump ship as the nightmare legal reality closes in on Obama at the White House. Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that maverick in military intelligence, but very good at it. And if he ever says that he has the answer, you can count on it that he does have it! Statement of the U.S. Justice Dept. to a top Rothschild who once wanted to meet with me and told me what the U.S. Justice Dept. told him about me. He wanted to know if he could buy the John Andrews Process through me which the U.S. Navy tested before World War II but did not know how it worked. The process created an alternative form of gasoline using water and a coal derivative mixed together. Using old Washington double talk, I neither confirm nor deny that I know how it works! And I never sold the process to this Rothschild as he would have used it for evil if I had let him have it providing of course I had the final answer to the John Andrews Process! This meeting with the apparent head of the Secret Government of America was at Camp Springs, Maryland close to Wash., D.C. Very interesting meeting years ago. I was invited to join The Secret Government Of America, but never joined it! Obama apparently did!) P.S. 3:51 PM Note. Had former person from U.S. Air Force with top secret clearances talk to an independent witness who is a good friend of mine. He backed up what I had told this local witness and this Ebola Crisis has a hoax twist to it than nobody knows or even guesses. No need for anyone to die in Africa, America, Europe, or rest of world. Once you know the Obama secret to the Ebola Crisis, it is totally obvious that this is a giant conspiracy by Obama to kill off enough Americans until they accept him for dictator of America. He could even kill off 200 million Americans this way if he wanted to. He could mass kill people in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Far East, Central and Latin America and all the world until he can make himself Obama dictator of the entire world if they never find out what the trick to the whole Ebola Crisis is. If Congress does not want me to testify on this Ebola Secret of Obama before the November election, I can then release this to the entire world and then the entire world including the American people can seek to lynch Obama as soon as they can get their hands on him. If Congress agrees to speed pass my proposed Omni Law for America, I can testify in private before Congress and now bring in the Air Force witness to second the testimony before Congress. Once Congress hears it, they will want airtight security that this testimony does not get out. They will also want to immediately remove Obama from the White House. People, pass this report around all over America and you may save even up to 200 million Americans from being murdered by Obama and gang of traitors working for him from within the federal government along with some outside allies in high treason and mass genocide conspiracy that could end up killing off most of the human race on earth. People, send this to all members of Congress to force them to fast pass the Omni Law to head off colossal size high treason from the Obama White House which is aimed to keep killing Americans until they wise up and stop this mass murder plan from going further. My local witness read this P.S. section and totally agrees with it. Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:10 PM 1 comment:
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:08:30 +0000

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