Date Update!!! On Wednesday, July 16th I had another oh so - TopicsExpress


Date Update!!! On Wednesday, July 16th I had another oh so fabulous Date with the Miss Maddalyn Jade!! Maddalyn was all dressed to impress in her cute little Elsa dress and glamorous silver shoes!! One of the first things Maddalyn says to Mommy, Mommy, do you like my shoes?! Thats right, she knows Mommy is a SHOE QUEEN!!! We enjoyed some delicious spaghetti, which is her all time favorite. I even mixed in her sauce with her noodles like she likes it. Mommy cannot eat her noodles and sauce mixed together. Just layered, please. Ha. For dessert we ate some Chips Ahoy! with Oreo Creme filling - heavens those are amazing! As those of you that follow myself, as well as my posts, you know that Maddalyn lost her SECOND tooth on July 12th!! So, the Tooth Fairy came to visit Maddalyn, again!! This time Smile E. Wishes (the name of our Tooth Fairy) brought Maddalyn new toothpaste, a pack of Sugarfree Orbit for Kids gum, a sparkly pink letter that contained five one dollar bills, and another Certificate for her lost tooth. How special Maddalyn is!!! I was a little stunned and shocked to hear Maddalyn tell me that I was in fact the Tooth Fairy and that I printed those off of my computer. Of course Im going to ask her where she would get that silliness from ... she informed me that her daddy told her that. Let me be the first to say that I DEFINITELY do not agree with taking childrens imaginations away from them. I eventually convinced her that if she stopped believing in the Tooth Fairy, the Tooth Fairy would simply not come visit her. This Mommy is not impressed by her daddys not so nice words. Mommy and William Mccrea got Maddalyn some more FROZEN school supplies! She wanted to see what all we found this time, so I brought them with me. Mommy also brought a fun 3-D puzzle that we put together and will frame to put in her new FROZEN bedroom. Mommy and Maddalyn had a GREAT time putting the puzzle together. We enjoyed some game time of playing a game of Yahtzee!! I normally take the cups out of our Yahtzee games at home - they are ridiculous noisy .. Ha!! However, at our Date Maddalyn was able to shake, shake, shake those die in the cups and make all the racket she wanted. Ha. I think Mommys ears are still ringing. Ha. After fighting with crayons to keep our score and having difficult, we decided to switch games. We began to play Toss-A-Cross. That was a fun game and by the end of it, we made up our own game and rules!! We shared many and many of smiles and laughter. These are the moments I have made into memories and will cherish for a lifetime. We also played a silly game of Hangman! I figured out Maddalyns first puzzle with ease. Her second puzzle took me a little bit, but I figured it out. Maddalyn is seriously the BESTEST Big and soon-to-be Bigger Sister ever. She has limited down her list of names that she likes. She really, really likes the name Maicee (her spelling is different. Ha.). While I do, as well, it is awfully close to Maysen, and that is steering me away. We will just have to wait and see come October! =] Sadly, our Date was coming to and end. As usual, I kindly ask the Mentors on our Date to please take a picture of us. They are some of the sweetest people I have ever met, and while this situation doesnt make sense to any of them, or myself, I am thankful for the conversations and shared moments between them all. Anyways, these Mentors always catch some of the best, not posed, in the action type of pictures. Which are my all time favorite!!!! After our millions of hugs, smooches and I love yous, we had to say our goodbyes. =/ It doesnt get easier each time, it definitely seems to get harder. However, I am leaving with her presence and her love all over me. I am leaving with pictures that illustrate our memories we just created together. For that, I am thankful. Our next Date is scheduled for July 23rd. (Yes!! That is today!! Hip hip hooray!! Its today!!)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:44:26 +0000

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