Dateline: Los Angeles, Kobe Bryant on the black communities - TopicsExpress


Dateline: Los Angeles, Kobe Bryant on the black communities reaction to Trayvon Martin. Kobe Bryant’s comments in the “New Yorker” magazine about the Heat’s decision to wear Hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin’s family reveal the real Kobe Bryant. To be quite honest I don’t understand why he even bothered to answer the interviewer’s question about what he thought of the Heat’s support of Trayvon Martin. I think the real reason Kobe didn’t support the cause because he doesn’t care, he only cares about himself. Check out what he said in the interview, “I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.” And notice he seems to really have a problem with black folks defending their own kind. He twice says that a black person shouldn’t defend someone because they are black. And of course that’s not what happens black folks defend black folks who have been wronged by the system. That makes sense. But if you are someone like Bryant that doesn’t make any sense because in his world he is the “only” thing that he and other folks should be concerned about. If you looked up narcissist in the dictionary you would see Kobe’s picture. And the egotist has his facts wrong. Nobody jumped to conclusions. The facts surrounding the case dictated that the boy’s family could at least use some support in getting to the bottom of things. Initially the authorities failed to alert the parents that the boy was dead. The man who killed him wasn’t even kept in jail or charged with anything at all. He was simply set free and no one had to give an account for the boys death. Well-meaning folks of all races expressed their outrage. And it’s too late Kobe to say the system wronged Trayvon. You should have spoke up when your voice would have counted. You should have put on a hoodie just like LeBron and the Heat. But no, you are too selfish and self possessed to have stood up. Like the Martin family’s lawyer Ben Crump said, Kobe don’t seem to have a problem with black children and their parents buying his shoes and jersey’s or even his hoodies. You would think the African American should get his support since they have paid for it in some way, but instead he decides to bite the hand which helps feed him.. And by the way, Kobe didn’t have a problem with many in the black community supporting his African American behind when he was accused of raping that woman in Colorado. It was the black community which said, ‘give the boy the benefit of the doubt,’ while many in the majority community were calling him a thug and a rapist. In fact, to this day one of the reasons I don’t have much respect for Kobe is because after he got in trouble he started snitching on Shaq. So I am not surprised that a guy who barely understands what it means to be a team player or how to be a friend, or a faithful husband, would not understand why a race of people who have been denigrated and discriminated against since first arriving here would want to stick together and defend their own. I always at least respected the fact that Kobe chose like many in his generation to keep his mouth shut on racial issues, because it wasn’t conducive to making money. I think he should stick to his policy because when he opens his mouth he only reveals his ignorance and his supreme selfishness. justice then peace
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:10:38 +0000

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