Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said Should Not Be So Ignorant, By - TopicsExpress


Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said Should Not Be So Ignorant, By Pretending Not To Know I Have No Powers Over The Police, But Should Have The Courage to Give Information Of Illegal Gambling, Prostitution And Entertainment Outlets In Penang To The Penang Chief Police Officer. ================================ Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 30.11.2014. Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said Should Not Be So Ignorant, By Pretending Not To Know I Have No Powers Over The Police, But Should Have The Courage to Give Information Of Illegal Gambling, Prostitution And Entertainment Outlets In Penang To The Penang Chief Police Officer. Police reports will be lodged against Penang UMNO leaders like UMNO Permatang Pauh Division Chairman Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said, for criminal defamation and seditious lies made with malicious intent to incite racial hatred, including lies that the political and economic strength of the Chinese in Penang comes from illegal economic activities such as illegal gambling, prostitution and entertainment outlets. The Penang state government is under no illusions that any action will be taken by the Federal government against UMNO leaders. Despite the likelihood that no action will be taken, police reports must be lodged for the record to defend the dignity and honour of the people of Penang, including the Chinese community who are being taunted by such humiliation. Everyone in Penang can succeed whether Chinese, Malay or Indian, if they are honest and work hard. To accuse the Chinese who have succeeded as being engaged in illegal activity is an insult and contempt towards those who are clean, honest and hard-working. Furthermore, the Penang Chief Police Officer Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi denied in today’s papers that there were such illegal activities in Penang. As late as the end of last month, Datuk Abdul Rahim even stressed, For the record, Penang has zero illegal gambling machines” . Such baseless allegation by Datuk Zaidi, is also an attack on the police in Penang for being so ineffective that such lawlessness or illegal activity exists? I would like to ask MCA and Gerakan, whom Datuk Zaidi has contacted them as his friends, whether MCA and Gerakan accepts their friend’s (Datuk Zaidi) explanation and easily forgives him for his vile lies against the Chinese? UMNO leaders like Datuk Zaidi have openly displayed their hatred for the Chinese community. Datuk Zaidi now tries to twist and turn, by claiming that he was not referring to the Penang Chinese but was referring to the failure of the enforcement authorities to take action. Datuk Zaidi even said that he had already explained this to his friends in MCA and Gerakan. Datuk Zaidi is a coward, who is lying a second time by not daring to admit his racist attacks against the Chinese, especially when he had said in his speech that if the enforcement action was taken, only then the Chinese will fear the BN government. I would like to ask MCA and Gerakan, whom Datuk Zaidi has contacted them as his friends, whether MCA and Gerakan accepts their friend’s (Datuk Zaidi) explanation and easily forgives him for his vile lies against the Chinese? Until now, both Penang UMNO and Datuk Mohd Zaidi have failed to show proof or the location where these illegal criminal activities are, whether inside or outside Permatang Pauh. Instead, Datuk Mohd offered to take me personally to visit the illegal gambling, prostitution and entertainment outlets. This is ridiculous. Are UMNO leaders that ignorant as not to know that it is the police’s responsibility to fight such illegal activities, which is under the control of the BN Federal government? Datuk Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said should stop pretending that he does not know I have no powers over the police, but should have the courage to give information of illegal gambling, prostitution and entertainment outlets to the Penang Chief Police Officer. UMNO have clearly given up on winning the Chinese votes and have now decided to treat them with contempt, with lies and insults. MCA, Gerakan and MIC have shown that they are without any shred of honour and dignity by continuing to stick to and support such a racist and extremist party that bullies and threatens ordinary Malaysians. LIM GUEN ENG 槟州首席部长林冠英于2014年11月30日在槟城乔治市光大发表的声明: 拿督莫哈末再迪不应该如此傲慢,假装不知道我在警队是没有权力的;反之,他应该有勇气将槟城的非法赌博、卖淫及应召娱乐场所的资料,提供给槟州总警长。 我们将会针对巫统峇东埔区部主席拿督莫哈末再迪指槟州华人的政治及经济壮大,是源自于从事非法经济活动如非法赌博、卖淫及应召娱乐场所一事报案,因为他涉及刑事诽谤,作出煽动性谎言,恶意煽动种族仇恨。槟州政府对联邦政府会否采取行动对付巫统领袖,实在不敢抱有任何的幻想。 尽管极大可能有关的巫统领袖是不会被采取任何的行动,但我们依然有必要向警方报案以作记录,以捍卫槟城人民的尊严,包括那些被如此嘲弄及侮辱的华社。在槟城,不管是华人、马来人或印度人,只要肯诚实及努力工作,必能成功。指控那些成功的华人为从事非法勾当,对那些廉洁、诚实及勤劳的人士而言,是一种侮辱和蔑视。 再说,槟州总警长拿督阿都拉欣哈纳菲已在今日的报章上否认槟城有着这些所指控的非法活动。迟至上个月底,拿督阿都拉欣哈纳菲甚至强调:“根据记录,槟城的赌博机是零。” 拿督莫哈末再迪这种毫无根据的指控,是否等同攻击槟州警方无能,导致这些非法活动能够在槟城出现 ? 我想问问马华和民政,也即是被拿督莫哈末再迪称他已联系的“朋友”,到底马华及民政是否接受他们“朋友”(拿督莫哈末再迪)的解释,并轻易地就其对华人的卑鄙谎言作出原谅及替他漂白? 巫统领袖诸如拿督莫哈末再迪公然展示他们对华社的仇恨,现在,他尝试扭曲及反口,称他并不是意指所有的槟州华人,他只是指执法当局的执法不力。他甚至声称,他已经向他在马华及民政党内的“朋友”作出解释。 拿督莫哈末再迪是一个懦夫,他再次地撒谎也不敢承认他对华人作出的种族攻击,特别是他在其演讲中说,若执法当局有采取执法行动,那华人才会怕国阵政府。我想在此问问马华及民政党,也即是被拿督莫哈末再迪称他已联系的“朋友”,到底马华及民政是否接受他们“朋友”(拿督莫哈末再迪)的解释,并轻易地就其对华人的卑鄙谎言作出原谅及替他漂白? 截至目前为止,槟州巫统及拿督莫哈末再迪尚无法出示证据,证明这些非法勾当的地点,到底是在峇东埔区内还是区外。相反地,他甚至主动提出要亲自带我到非法赌博、卖淫及应召娱乐场所去参观。 这是荒谬的。.难道所有的巫统领袖是如此无知,不知道类似的非法活动是在联邦政府的管辖下吗?拿督莫哈末再迪应该停止假装不知道我在警队是没有权力的,反之,他应该有勇气将槟城的非法赌博、卖淫及应召娱乐场所的资料,提供给槟州总警长。 很明显的,巫统已经放弃赢回华人票,并决定轻蔑地以谎言及侮辱对待他们。随着马华及民政继续支持和与种族及极端主义、欺负及恐吓马来西亚人的巫统党同在,更助他们漂白,这证明了,马华及民政党连丝毫的尊严也已荡然无存。 林冠英
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:10:28 +0000

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