Daughter, Momma! Some boys were watching me through the fence - TopicsExpress


Daughter, Momma! Some boys were watching me through the fence earlier today! Me, What? What boys? Where? Her, While I was swimming. They were staring through the fence. Me, Are you serious? Her, Yes, they were watching me in my bikini. I know you said no one can see me in that. I yelled at them to stop looking at me! Me, Good job. Did they listen? And were they big boys or little boys? Her, No, they told me to shut up. It was a little boy and two big boys. I told them that they better stop staring and to mind their own business and stop looking through my fence! Me, Like how big? Her, Bigger than me. Then I told them that if they didnt stop I was going to kick them in the spot on boys that hurts really bad when you kick it and punch them in the nose. Me, If a boy or man ever, I mean ever, tries to touch you or do anything bad to you, you knock the shit out of him and you make sure to kick him really hard right there. Punching him in the face is good too. But not just because. Hitting is not ok just because youre mad. But if a boy ever threatens you, you knock him on his ass, ok?! Her, I know, Momma. I remember. I kept screaming at them and they walked away. Me, Good job. If they spy again, you tell me, ok? Her, Yes, maam. Im not going to let any boys be mean to me. Ever. And she wont either!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:33:57 +0000

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