Dave Morgan Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, - TopicsExpress


Dave Morgan Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the BBC reported that that the French had more police officers in France per head of population, than the U.K. I have done some simple research which revealed, that although the population of France (66 million) is similar to that of Britain (64.1 million), the French have 220.000 police officers, whereas Britain has 129,584 police officers. Since this government has come to power in 2010, they have cut the numbers of police on our streets. I am hearing stories of how police officers routinely have to patrol alone on nights. Backup can often be more than 10 minutes away, which is a long time. Indeed 10 seconds can seem a long time when you’re trying to restrain some 16 stone muscle bound monster, who has just beaten up his girlfriend. It means there is less protection for each one of us. In addition to this, the buffoons at the M.o.D. have severely cut our Armed Forces, getting rid of tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen. They have also scrapped our Nimrod and Harrier aircraft and a number of warships. All this has been at a time when Britain is at risk of attack by vicious Islamic terrorists. Any future government must not cut anymore funding for policing or defence. I hope that U.K.I.P. will support this policy
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:25:40 +0000

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