Dave and I continued to feel so blessed with all those who are - TopicsExpress


Dave and I continued to feel so blessed with all those who are loving, visiting, praying, and supporting us in oh so many ways. We knew the surgery would be hard and hospital time would be difficult but we had no idea really what total care Lauren would need and for what length of time. Lauren is not really in much pain anymore which is great! But she still has many restrictions and can not really move at all on her own. She has to wear knee mobilizers at all time except for when in wheel chair, which is limited for about 45mins at a time. The only way she can be carried or held is scooping her up cradle style and her only other movement is when we help her walk in her walker as she relearns to use her legs. She spends most of her time either stretched out on the sofa, sitting her in special chair on the floor or laying around on the floor. If she wants to get anywhere at all it has to be with our assistance which is difficult for her and us. We know it will not always be like this and that the end result will mean so much more independence for her we just have to make it through this time first! Some of the ways her legs can bend now amazes me because they could never do that before. So if you see us and we look exhausted we probably are but God is taking care of us in many ways and one of those ways is by all of you!! Thank you!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 00:36:21 +0000

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