David Bennion — Lawyer Guiding #Dream30 DreamActivist.org & NIYA - TopicsExpress


David Bennion — Lawyer Guiding #Dream30 DreamActivist.org & NIYA Is Related to Mitt Romney Family - Mexican-American Times What is David Bennion’s agenda? What are David’s views with regard to a literary work written by his father John Serge Bennion titled: Mapping Manifest Destiny? Why didn’t David tell DACA eligible people to simply fill out the form and not self-deport because it affects their immigration status? Why does he believe bogging detention centers and wasting American tax payer money are good ideas? Why is he advocating for open borders knowing full well Republicans will not sign onto it? Why does it appear David Bennion has an all or nothing approach to CIR? Does he want to ensure the Obama administration does not sign a CIR bill because it does not fit into his open border agenda? Why are the organizations Bennion is working with targeting Democratic offices and Obama when they ought to target Tea Party GOPers like Rep. Steve King and Senator Ted Cruz who want nothing to do with immigration reform passing? Why are DreamActivist and NIYA leaders stating: “Tea Party Republicans are not the enemy to CIR — Democrats are?” Is this political posturing setting up the framework on future elections? Where were David Bennion’s criticism of Mitt Romney when Romney supported similar policies to SB1070 and had Kris Kobach as an advisor? Why was Mitt Romney (candidate supported by extreme Tea Party supporters) spared from Bennion’s wrath and the same wrath speaks against Obama? We now know David Bennion has family ties with the Mitt Romney family. Mildred Bennion (grandaughter of John Bennion in the David Bennion family association) married into the Mitt Romney family via Henry Eyring. A long Mormon pioneer lineage linking the two families can be found in volumes of ancestry data Mormons keep really good track of.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 06:32:07 +0000

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