David Blackthorne · Top Commenter · Works at - TopicsExpress


David Blackthorne · Top Commenter · Works at Chick-fil-A Lol. Watch the atheists get their panties in a twist. The real bullshit is the arrogance of believing that everything just magically appeared out of nothing by itself. A car doesnt move without your foot pushing down on the gas pedal and an engine in fine working order. And the universe has been in fine working order for longer than any of us has been alive. A scientist who studied the inner workings of cells described what he saw as little engines inside of the smallest of cells. To think that this all sprang from nothing at all is the epitome of arrogance and the musings of a fool. Reply · 56 · Unlike · Follow Post · September 30 at 6:53am Rick Wallum · Top Commenter · University of Minnesota So true, David. What we had before the Big Bang was chaos. No universe, no laws of physics, no order. To claim, as some in the scientific world do - that chaos was involved in the big bang (and in the later development of our universe) is nonsense. If chaos were involved, then we would still have only chaos, with no universe, no laws of physics, and no order. So there! You cant have it both ways!!! Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 1:49pm . Tim LaFavor Consider the Law of Cause and Effect! The most basic scientific principle, and the criterion that governs all human experience, is the law of causality. This law states that although one cause can have many effects, no effect can be either bigger than or better than its cause. An effect can never be greater and, in fact, will always be less than its cause. Thus a chain of effects and their cause must eventually trace back to an infinite First Cause. The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite. The First Cause of endless time must be eternal. The First Cause of boundless energy must be omnipotent. The First Cause of knowledge must be omniscient. The First Cause of love must be loving. The First Cause of life must be living. Thus, the First Cause of the universe must be an infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omniscien... See More Reply · 34 · Like · September 30 at 8:17pm . Tyler Gilbert · Cascade High School Tim LaFavor Have you been listening to William Lane Craig? First if there was no time before the big bang then terms like infinite, eternal, causation, and the like are completely meaningless. Also without time there is no space, the two are intertwined. But besides that our linear understanding of time is something that doesnt quite hold up with modern physics and our views about cause and effect are slowly changing. Regardless though even if granted the premise that we need a first cause you make a huge leap from that to the Christian god. You fail to support why a first cause couldnt just be a generic deity or one of the many other deities. There is nothing to indicate it would have to be loving, living doesnt make sense in the context of a supernatural deity (unless you claim its a biological organism). On top of all this the traits you apply to your god creates logical contradictions; omnipotence, omniscience, freewill, omnibenevolence, etc. just cant go together. Reply · 5 · Like · October 1 at 2:12am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd Rick Wallum TRUTH CANNOT BE DISPROVEN, so right are you brother, without truth people are led astray.... Reply · Like · 2 seconds ago . View 18 more . . Marc Cabrera · Top Commenter Folks, dont get caught up on whether Albert Einstein said this or not. Think of it as a parable. Once again, science has proven the existence of God. Reply · 26 · Like · Follow Post · September 23 at 2:55pm Brian Ronald Jones · Drummer at Sofa King nonsense. this is bullshit pseudoscience, and this video is trying to give some credibility to it by claiming that young einstein was its author. einstein was an athiest, and this imaginary game of gotcha was composed by to manipulate ignoramuses into believing that credible scientists believe in god, so they should, too. Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 6:38am . Linda Vann · Santa Fe High School Brian Ronald Jones it does not matter if it happened or not ,nobody can prove to you that God exist ,but if you look around at nature you can see a pattern and if He draws you in then you can seek Him if you want to find Him you will ,>3 Reply · 27 · Like · September 30 at 8:41am . Dom Kelly · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sorry brian but wasnt it Einstein who said that God doesnt play dice with the universe ? Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 8:43am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd No at the end of his life he turned to God, I happened to like Albert Einstein, its the fact that the media trys so hard to disprove Gods existence is hilarious, tell me why does the media try so hard to deny that God exists and scientist to, they spend so much money on these shows and everything tell me why do they waste their time if David Blackthorne · Top Commenter · Works at Chick-fil-A Lol. Watch the atheists get their panties in a twist. The real bullshit is the arrogance of believing that everything just magically appeared out of nothing by itself. A car doesnt move without your foot pushing down on the gas pedal and an engine in fine working order. And the universe has been in fine working order for longer than any of us has been alive. A scientist who studied the inner workings of cells described what he saw as little engines inside of the smallest of cells. To think that this all sprang from nothing at all is the epitome of arrogance and the musings of a fool. Reply · 56 · Unlike · Follow Post · September 30 at 6:53am Rick Wallum · Top Commenter · University of Minnesota So true, David. What we had before the Big Bang was chaos. No universe, no laws of physics, no order. To claim, as some in the scientific world do - that chaos was involved in the big bang (and in the later development of our universe) is nonsense. If chaos were involved, then we would still have only chaos, with no universe, no laws of physics, and no order. So there! You cant have it both ways!!! Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 1:49pm . Tim LaFavor Consider the Law of Cause and Effect! The most basic scientific principle, and the criterion that governs all human experience, is the law of causality. This law states that although one cause can have many effects, no effect can be either bigger than or better than its cause. An effect can never be greater and, in fact, will always be less than its cause. Thus a chain of effects and their cause must eventually trace back to an infinite First Cause. The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite. The First Cause of endless time must be eternal. The First Cause of boundless energy must be omnipotent. The First Cause of knowledge must be omniscient. The First Cause of love must be loving. The First Cause of life must be living. Thus, the First Cause of the universe must be an infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omniscien... See More Reply · 34 · Like · September 30 at 8:17pm . Tyler Gilbert · Cascade High School Tim LaFavor Have you been listening to William Lane Craig? First if there was no time before the big bang then terms like infinite, eternal, causation, and the like are completely meaningless. Also without time there is no space, the two are intertwined. But besides that our linear understanding of time is something that doesnt quite hold up with modern physics and our views about cause and effect are slowly changing. Regardless though even if granted the premise that we need a first cause you make a huge leap from that to the Christian god. You fail to support why a first cause couldnt just be a generic deity or one of the many other deities. There is nothing to indicate it would have to be loving, living doesnt make sense in the context of a supernatural deity (unless you claim its a biological organism). On top of all this the traits you apply to your god creates logical contradictions; omnipotence, omniscience, freewill, omnibenevolence, etc. just cant go together. Reply · 5 · Like · October 1 at 2:12am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd Rick Wallum TRUTH CANNOT BE DISPROVEN, so right are you brother, without truth people are led astray.... Reply · Like · 2 seconds ago . View 18 more . . Marc Cabrera · Top Commenter Folks, dont get caught up on whether Albert Einstein said this or not. Think of it as a parable. Once again, science has proven the existence of God. Reply · 26 · Like · Follow Post · September 23 at 2:55pm Brian Ronald Jones · Drummer at Sofa King nonsense. this is bullshit pseudoscience, and this video is trying to give some credibility to it by claiming that young einstein was its author. einstein was an athiest, and this imaginary game of gotcha was composed by to manipulate ignoramuses into believing that credible scientists believe in god, so they should, too. Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 6:38am . Linda Vann · Santa Fe High School Brian Ronald Jones it does not matter if it happened or not ,nobody can prove to you that God exist ,but if you look around at nature you can see a pattern and if He draws you in then you can seek Him if you want to find Him you will ,>3 Reply · 27 · Like · September 30 at 8:41am . Dom Kelly · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sorry brian but wasnt it Einstein who said that God doesnt play dice with the universe ? Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 8:43am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd No at the end of his life he turned to God, I happened to like Albert Einstein, its the fact that the media trys so hard to disprove Gods existence is hilarious, tell me why does the media try so hard to deny that God exists and scientist to, they spend so much money on these shows and everything tell me why do they waste their time if God Supposely doesnt exist, if he didnt would you think they would at least not make these shows or commericals why..... Like I said truth can never be disproven, what man-kind doesnt know, they make up on their own but the truth and power of David Blackthorne · Top Commenter · Works at Chick-fil-A Lol. Watch the atheists get their panties in a twist. The real bullshit is the arrogance of believing that everything just magically appeared out of nothing by itself. A car doesnt move without your foot pushing down on the gas pedal and an engine in fine working order. And the universe has been in fine working order for longer than any of us has been alive. A scientist who studied the inner workings of cells described what he saw as little engines inside of the smallest of cells. To think that this all sprang from nothing at all is the epitome of arrogance and the musings of a fool. Reply · 56 · Unlike · Follow Post · September 30 at 6:53am Rick Wallum · Top Commenter · University of Minnesota So true, David. What we had before the Big Bang was chaos. No universe, no laws of physics, no order. To claim, as some in the scientific world do - that chaos was involved in the big bang (and in the later development of our universe) is nonsense. If chaos were involved, then we would still have only chaos, with no universe, no laws of physics, and no order. So there! You cant have it both ways!!! Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 1:49pm . Tim LaFavor Consider the Law of Cause and Effect! The most basic scientific principle, and the criterion that governs all human experience, is the law of causality. This law states that although one cause can have many effects, no effect can be either bigger than or better than its cause. An effect can never be greater and, in fact, will always be less than its cause. Thus a chain of effects and their cause must eventually trace back to an infinite First Cause. The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite. The First Cause of endless time must be eternal. The First Cause of boundless energy must be omnipotent. The First Cause of knowledge must be omniscient. The First Cause of love must be loving. The First Cause of life must be living. Thus, the First Cause of the universe must be an infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omniscien... See More Reply · 34 · Like · September 30 at 8:17pm . Tyler Gilbert · Cascade High School Tim LaFavor Have you been listening to William Lane Craig? First if there was no time before the big bang then terms like infinite, eternal, causation, and the like are completely meaningless. Also without time there is no space, the two are intertwined. But besides that our linear understanding of time is something that doesnt quite hold up with modern physics and our views about cause and effect are slowly changing. Regardless though even if granted the premise that we need a first cause you make a huge leap from that to the Christian god. You fail to support why a first cause couldnt just be a generic deity or one of the many other deities. There is nothing to indicate it would have to be loving, living doesnt make sense in the context of a supernatural deity (unless you claim its a biological organism). On top of all this the traits you apply to your god creates logical contradictions; omnipotence, omniscience, freewill, omnibenevolence, etc. just cant go together. Reply · 5 · Like · October 1 at 2:12am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd Rick Wallum TRUTH CANNOT BE DISPROVEN, so right are you brother, without truth people are led astray.... Reply · Like · 2 seconds ago . View 18 more . . Marc Cabrera · Top Commenter Folks, dont get caught up on whether Albert Einstein said this or not. Think of it as a parable. Once again, science has proven the existence of God. Reply · 26 · Like · Follow Post · September 23 at 2:55pm Brian Ronald Jones · Drummer at Sofa King nonsense. this is bullshit pseudoscience, and this video is trying to give some credibility to it by claiming that young einstein was its author. einstein was an athiest, and this imaginary game of gotcha was composed by to manipulate ignoramuses into believing that credible scientists believe in god, so they should, too. Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 6:38am . Linda Vann · Santa Fe High School Brian Ronald Jones it does not matter if it happened or not ,nobody can prove to you that God exist ,but if you look around at nature you can see a pattern and if He draws you in then you can seek Him if you want to find Him you will ,>3 Reply · 27 · Like · September 30 at 8:41am . Dom Kelly · Melbourne, Victoria, Australia sorry brian but wasnt it Einstein who said that God doesnt play dice with the universe ? Reply · 13 · Like · September 30 at 8:43am . AndretheBear DuBois · Works at Walmart Sioux City - Floyd Blvd No at the end of his life he turned to God, I happened to like Albert Einstein, its the fact that the media trys so hard to disprove Gods existence is hilarious, tell me why does the media try so hard to deny that God exists and scientist to, they spend so much money on these shows and everything tell me why do they waste their time if God Supposely doesnt exist, if he didnt would you think they would at least not make these shows or commericals why..... Like I said truth can never be disproven, what man-kind doesnt know, they make up on their own but the truth and power of the bible will always and forever exist!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:23:16 +0000

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