David Brizendine shared AJ+s video: One of the main reasons why I - TopicsExpress


David Brizendine shared AJ+s video: One of the main reasons why I am concerned with the recent jury decision in #Ferguson is because what its saying is that both the mainstream consciousness & the political interests condone the Police usage of excessive force. I have personally witnessed police brutality a number of times in my life. I have also been at the receiving end of a police officers threats to taser me. I know all too well, based on past experience, that cops in this country are out of control with their power tripping & use of excessive force. We have seen instances of tripping hippies on acid get tasered by cops at festivals, weve seen naked autistic girls walking down the highway getting tasered by cops, weve seen young black men get killed in Wal-Marts for holding a bibi gun and checking it out.. Weve seen homeless women get their faces pounded into the ground repeatedly.. Weve seen way too many young black men get murdered... just for being black and in the wrong place at the wrong time. We have seen the cops gang up against every civil disobedience protest with riot gear & tear gas - seriously injuring innocent civilians and getting away with it... Weve seen way too much police brutality for it to be acceptable. But it is. And as a society, we need to ask the question - why? I personally feel that if we look at the government and the moneyed interests as another form of the Mafia - then we see that the police are just the legal hired thugs to protect and serve the wealthy, moneyed interests. I really hope that the police around the country decide to re-orient themselves towards the motto - Protect & Serve - to protect and serve the citizens, rather than the 1%.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:50:30 +0000

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