David Cameron doing what he does best when people are dying !! He - TopicsExpress


David Cameron doing what he does best when people are dying !! He slips on that blue t shirt and goes on his holidays just as he did the day after a young British soldier was murdered on a London street and when the Tottenham riots broke out and he begrudgingly came home two days later. This time 40.000 plus men women and children stuck on a mountain side and facing the choice of starvation or being butchered by the animals of ISIS is not enough to bring our Dave home from the fish markets of Portugal to help sort out a mess he helped to create when he decided to arm rebels in Syria that have now flowered into ISIS or as they like to be know now as IS. This gang of merry men then decided that Iraq was a much more viable target for their brand of Islam than nasty old Syria and so have spent the last few months romping across northern iraq chopping off heads, burning and burying alive women and children who have not been raped, and crucifying people in town squares, just to break the monotonous of mass executions by a bullet to the head. Indeed Australia woke up to a tweet from one of their citizens showing his nine year old son holding the severed head of a soldier with the caption Thats my boy a little different to your average holiday snap I think you would agree. The US and Britain are so paralysed by indecision because of the Bush / Blair war on terror decade, that when a legitimate threat does rear its ugly head they do not know whether to arm it or drop bombs on it, it was not long ago that David Cameron was calling ISIS freedom fighters and wanted the British army to help them achieve their goals !!! now you never hear the word Syria come out of Downing street and our intervention in Libya was so successful that only last week we had to evacuate all our British embassy staff because of the countries slide into civil and tribal war. We are to blame for the massacre waiting to happen on that mountain side, we invaded a country and disbanded a professional army and meddled in tribal and religious divisions that we had no real grasp of , and when it all turned to shit we could not get out quick enough, and far from Camerons A job well done speech we left a complete mess and a vacume that a bunch of blood thirsty you tube fanatics were able to exploit. the whole idea of the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan was to halt the spread of fanatical terrorism and now we do not have to worry about the spread of terrorism when a whole terror state is struggling to be born and we are to scared to deal with it sooner rather than later. David Cameron should recall parliament and get this bloody mess sorted out with his equally inept counter part in the US. People are dying and being murdered in the most grotesque manner directly because of US and British policy and Cameron will not even break his seventh holiday of the year to address this slaughter he helped create, in fact there is a good chance that the bullets that are now riddling the bodies of these civilians were sent with love by Britain and the US. Obama and Cameron when faced with a real threat are so indecisive that by the time they get to grips with it the solution is so much harder to achieve and the threat to us and our military is that much greater. You do not have to be a genius to recognise evil in the world and you do not have to be a genius to know that if not confronted that evil spreads, and so as Cameron enjoys his summer holiday, why should the reports from a French journalist of children being beheaded in front of their parents bring a downer on Camerons little jaunt in Portugal. One woman who lost both her daughters to the ISIS monsters pleaded on CNN why doesnt Obama and David Cameron lift a finger to help us well I can give you the answer to that they did lift a finger and it was the middle one.....
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 17:05:19 +0000

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