David Cameron has been overheard describing how the Queen purred - TopicsExpress


David Cameron has been overheard describing how the Queen purred when he told her Scotland had voted No to independence. Microphones picked up the Prime Minister telling former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg how the monarch reacted during their phone conversation on Friday morning. He said: The definition of relief is being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and ringing the Queen and saying Its alright, its okay. That was something. She purred down the line. After a few seconds during which the recording is not clear, Mr Cameron added: But it should never have been that close. Mail. A newspaper headline before the vote It wasnt in the end, but there was a time in the middle of the campaign when it felt… The next part of the conversation is inaudible before the Prime Minister, who is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, is hear saying: Ive said I want to find these polling companies and I want to sue them for my stomach ulcers because of what they put me through. It was very nervous moments. The conversation took place as Mr Cameron was being accompanied around Mr Bloombergs offices in front of TV cameras. The Queen remained publicly impartial during the referendum campaign, but the Prime Ministers comments suggest she was relieved that Scots voted 55% to 45% in favour of retaining the Union. Sky News Royal Correspondent Paul Harrison said Buckingham Palace would neither confirm nor deny whether the Queen purrs when she is happy. He added: Some will say this is incredibly indiscreet, and that conversations he has with the Queen shouldnt be passed on no matter who you are. The fact is, David Cameron has told Michael Bloomberg that when he delivered the news, she was very happy - she purred down the line. A Downing Street spokesman said they do not comment on private conversations
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:45:08 +0000

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