David Chandler is a highly skilled high school physics teacher, he - TopicsExpress


David Chandler is a highly skilled high school physics teacher, he have done extensive work on the physical perspective of the three WTC building collapses, by observing, calculating, experimenting and explaining in many videos, presentations and not at least official hearings, what the real physical perspective of the building collapses should be, now that NIST use fraudulent Bush-science. In fact it was David Chandler, who at the official hearing of the first and temporary NIST WTC7 report, forced NIST to admit free fall for more then two seconds in their final report on WTC7 from August 2008. David Chandler made three videos, that cover his very important work on the subject, of free fall of WTC7 during its collapse. WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part I): youtube/watch?v=Rkp-4sm5Ypc WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part II): youtube/watch?v=iXTlaqXsm4k WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III): youtube/watch?v=v3mudruFzNw But David Chandler did not stop there, he have made a lot of good and important videos, that show in detail what really happened to the buildings. Because as David Chandler say, all physics start with observation. To see more of David Chandlers work, visit his Youtube channel here: youtube/channel/UCxvGFyCUkbMk4pB0C-AUJwQ Several of his videos can be found with Danish subtitles here: 911truth.dk/index.php/information-og-baggrund/wtc-tarne It was also David Chandler, who at The Toronto Hearings in 2012 in Canada, made Niels Harrit aware that some of the pieces coming from The South Tower, fell faster then gravity, that they could change directions in mid air, and that the where followed by a consistent white smoke trail. As shown in this video (South Tower Smoking Guns: youtube/watch?v=DChR1XcYhlw). This evidence made Niels Harrit come up with the hypothesis, that at least two kinds on nanothemite could have been used to take down the towers, One that produce the molten iron needed to destroy the 47 center steel core columns (most likely the red grey chips found in the dust). And another kind of nanothermite, that has a propel like capacity, like the one used in rocket fuel for space rockets, that can pull apart the outside 244 perimeter steel columns, and hurl the several ton pieces two hundred meters away, still having force enough to impale other buildings (as shown on FEMA videographer Kurt Sonnenfeldt pictures). Look at the North Tower here, as it destruct it self, shown in one of David Chandlers videos - notice the consistent white smoke trail, coming from the flying pieces of the tower youtube/watch?v=FBl01wIdm3M When ordinary termite react, as invented by Hans Goldschmidt in the year 1893, it has two bi-products coming from its chemical reaction. One is molten iron, the other one is white smoke... But nathermite is not a powder as ordinary termite, it is as the name indicate, a nano designed material that can be used for several purposes, and be formed in several different ways. To know more about nanothermite, go to this page: 911truth.dk/index.php/information-og-baggrund/nanotermit
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:24:14 +0000

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