David Doran, 4 and half years prison for horse breeder convicted - TopicsExpress


David Doran, 4 and half years prison for horse breeder convicted of slavery. Farm owner sent to prison for ruthless exploitation of slave worker A farm owner who forced a vulnerable man to work for him for 13 years without pay has been jailed for four-and-a-half years. Missing Kidderminster man Darrell Simester was found in an appalling state on Cariad Farm near Newport, south Wales, last year. The timid 44-year-old said he lived in a rat-infested shed for a decade and would wash himself in an animal trough after working 15 hour days for boss David Dan Doran. Mr Simesters parents Tony and Jean described their eldest child as unrecognisable and looking more like a man in his nineties when reunited with him. Cardiff Crown Court yesterday heard that, given the long hours Mr Simester worked, he could have earned more than £200,000 if paid the minimum wage. Judge Neil Bidder said it was clear horse breeder Doran had taken advantage of a man with low intelligence. Judge Bidder said: He was not paid a penny by you for 13 years of hard labour, without holiday, from 7am to 10 or 11pm. At the current minimum wage, you profited by his labour by something over £200,000. You cared not at all about his health, which undoubtedly deteriorated during his time at the farm. I do not believe you were unaware that he worked for years for you, doing heavy manual labour, with a hernia the size of a grapefruit. The threat you knew was held over him was leaving the farm and fending for himself, which he was frightened to do. This was economic exploitation of a very inadequate individual of a very serious and ruthless kind. You provided him with a roof over his head and food, but in truth you did not treat him much better than a slave. Mr Simester, who was described in court as timid and easily led, was last seen by his family in 2000 while working for a local couple called Sue and Jimmy Loveridge. A court heard the pair had a reputation in the Kidderminster area and terrified Mr Simester would hand over almost all of his £120 weekly wages to the couple. He later fled their clutches during a holiday in Porthcawl and came across the Doran family while attempting to walk back home. After taking up a job offer, he was taken to Cariad Farm in Peterstone – owned by the defendant, who is also known as Young Dan. Mr Simester told a jury that for the first 10 years on the farm he slept in a shed, where rats were scratching the door every night. Although he was free to leave the farm at any time, the Crown said Mr Simester was exploited because of his impressionable nature and low intelligence. Defending QC Nick Barraclough said a guilty plea was submitted on the basis that Doran Junior ought to have known the farm labourers duties were not voluntarily performed. #vanah Quite an ironic name for the farm. Cariad is Welsh for: Darling / Sweetheart. Not quite the loving image this trial has portrayed the farm to be. We hope Mr Simester all the best for his new life of freedom. westerndailypress.co.uk/Farm-owner-sent-prison-ruthless-exploitation/story-23481184-detail/story.html Original story: facebook/vanah.horses/photos/a.172431009475921.48044.170577236327965/806937379358611/?type=1
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:42:35 +0000

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