David, Just weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court handed - TopicsExpress


David, Just weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court handed the National Right to Work Foundation attorneys a sledgehammer. With your help today, Im ready to start swinging. Even as I write you, Foundation attorneys are crafting class-action lawsuits that are ready to launch in states all over the country. The goal is to ENFORCE the recent Foundation-won Harris v. Quinn Supreme Court case and return the hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars they illegally seized from daycare owners, parents, and other health care providers! But David, you and I cant be naïve. With the November elections right around the corner, Big Labor will fight like a cornered animal to protect its forced-dues treasury. Big Labor has many of those forced-dues dollars earmarked for electing and reelecting their handpicked candidates! Theyre going to fight this effort tooth-and-nail, determined to keep their forced-dues-funded political machine running full throttle. Thats why Im counting on your most generous tax-deductible support today. The truth is, class-action lawsuits arent cheap. They come with some pretty big risks too, which Ill tell you about shortly. . . But you and I both know the law means absolutely NOTHING if its not enforced. I cant begin to explain what a travesty that would be. Under the recent Harris v. Quinn Supreme Court decision, Illinois union-label state worker classification scheme was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Under this scheme, men and women who received Medicaid funding to take care of sick loved ones were defined as state employees so Big Labor could force them to pay union dues! Of course, no American citizen should ever be forced to join or pay dues to a union just to get or keep a job. Sadly, the Supreme Courts decision didnt go that far. But the ramifications of their Harris v. Quinn decision could be HUGE -- if you and I can enforce it by taking immediate action. You see, not only was Illinois union-label state worker classification scheme ended, but similar Big Labor schemes that have popped up all over the country are now ripe to be knocked down. With your help, our goal is to wipe these laws (and in some cases, executive orders) off the books and DRAIN Big Labors coffers of all that illegally-seized dues money! Its hard to express how huge this could be. As I write you, 18 states have similar laws. Nearly 650,000 workers nationwide are affected. And the union-boss architects of these schemes owe them ALL money. . . . . .hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars you and I know would otherwise be spent on electing and reelecting their political cronies and furthering Big Labors forced-dues agenda in state after state and Washington, D.C. David, I need to be blunt here. These class-action lawsuits your Foundation is preparing could take a sledgehammer to Big Labors forced-dues funded campaign coffers. But that doesnt mean it will be easy. It wont -- especially because this is such an important election year. Thats why I must count on your support today. Because class-action lawsuits multiply the impact of a decision tenfold, even a hundredfold, Big Labor always fights back fiercely. They assign their best lawyers to the cases and use every trick in the book to avoid responsibility. In the past, during pretrial proceedings for similar class-action suits, union bosses have even demanded the Foundation turn over the name of every supporter! In one case where that demand was made, a union lawyer said they needed the names to make discreet inquiries. You and I both know what that means. Discreet to Big Labor means threatening phone calls, visits from muscle-bound union goons, slashed tires, wrecked businesses. Maybe worse. Thats why Ill never put Foundation supporters in harms way. Foundation Chairman Reed Larson was even threatened with jail time at one point for refusing to hand over the list of our supporters! But he dug in his heels and eventually won. Likewise, I will never back down. Ever. Foundation supporters are small businessmen and women and union workers. If Big Labors thugs found out they were helping us, I shudder to think about what theyd do. The union bosses HATE the Foundation because we have been so effective in curbing their abusive power. And the class-action lawsuits Im preparing -- forcing the union bosses to hand back all that illegally-seized dues money -- will make them hate us all the more. But David, I cant launch these class-action lawsuits without your help. As I told you, theyre risky. Big Labor wont just be on the defense. They have the best lawyers money can buy. Theyll make outrageous demands of your Foundation just like the past ones Ive mentioned. So Ive instructed my attorneys to make sure all of our ducks are in a row before launching any class-action suit. Secondly, these class-action suits are expensive. And unlike Big Labor, we dont have the steady stream of forced union dues to pay our legal bills. Since 1968 the Right to Work Foundation has relied on the generosity of good folks like you to make a difference. So I must count on you today. Wont you please agree to your most generous gift of $100 right away? I know thats a lot. But every dollar you give is tax-deductible. But if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25 right away. The good news is, investments from good folks like you are getting results. BIG results. Today, your Foundation is involved in more than 200 legal cases. The recent Foundation-won Harris v. Quinn case was the 17th time weve argued before the Supreme Court! But for our attorneys, bloated resumes, trophies or plaques on the wall arent the real measure of victory. Our victories are measured in workers being freed from Big Labors forced-dues clutches. Theyre measured in the restoration of real freedom in hardworking American citizens lives. Theyre measured in DRAINING Big Labors coffers of money thats been illegally seized and breaking the union bosses iron grip on our political system. With the Harris v. Quinn decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed us a massive opportunity to do exactly that. Now its time for the next phase -- ENFORCEMENT. So Im counting on you. Wont you please agree to your most generous gift of $100, $50 or at least $25 right away? Sincerely, Mark Mix P.S. The ramifications of the Supreme Courts Harris v. Quinn decision could be HUGE -- if you and I can enforce it. Not only was Illinois union-label state worker classification scheme ended, but similar Big Labor schemes that have popped up all over the country are now at risk. 18 states have similar laws that cover roughly 650,000 workers. Now, Big Labor owes them all money! Today, your Foundation is preparing class-action lawsuits all over the country to DRAIN Big Labors bank accounts of the dues money theyve illegally-seized.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:48:18 +0000

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