David Noyes-- Another excellently informative anti-TPP piece - TopicsExpress


David Noyes-- Another excellently informative anti-TPP piece which - to my Astonishment, Fails to Connect-The-Dots concerning one of the TPPs great proponents; — a man who happens to be One of OUR *GREATEST ENEMIES EXTANT*! Perhaps less known than its other failings, the TPP doesnt even offer any economic gains for the majority of Americans who are being asked to sacrifice their constitutional rights. The gains from increased trade turn out to be so small that they are equivalent to a rounding error in the measurement of our GDP. — The study most touted by proponents of the agreement, published by the Peterson Institute of International Economics, shows a cumulative increase of 0.13% of GDP by 2025. This would be trivial in any case… *Please TAKE NOTE, Everybody*: The Peterson Institute of International Economics cited above as Championing the TPP is headed by the Gazillionaire businessman, investment banker, fiscal conservative, author, and politician Peter G. Peterson; — the endlessly greedy plutocrat behind the insidious Fix The Debt organization (fixthedebt.org/) whose Millionaire oligarchs campaign relentlessly to coerce the government into enforcing MEGA-Austerian economic policies which would Cripple the Other 98% while - at the Same Time - demanding the *Privatization of Social Security*, which would result in all the money in our government life savings program to be be transferred to the Banksters who would spend it on their ever-irresponsible *casino gambling operations* the likes of which caused the Economic Crash a few years ago in the first place! WHAT BIGGER *SLAP IN THE FACE* DOES THE AMERICAN PUBLIC NEED TO BECOME AWARE OF HOW ABSOLUTELY *HORRIBLE* THE PASSAGE OF THE TPP WOULD BE FOR *ALL* OF *US*?! (Heres a Hint - the above paragraph ends with This): … But the worse news is that, taking into account some of the unequalizing effects of the agreement – these treaties tend to Redistribute Income Upwards. A Centre for Economic and Policy Research study showed that Most Americans will Actually LOSE because of the TPP. SPREAD THE ALARM! theguardian/commentisfree/2013/nov/19/trans-pacific-partnership-corporate-usurp-congress
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:28:18 +0000

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