David Olalekan Boyede =IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD - [from - TopicsExpress


David Olalekan Boyede =IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD - [from Archive. Originally written on 28th Nov.2011] Then Moses went up to God... (Exd.19:3). Thats it! There lies the secret of th great man - going to Gods presence. Fellows, Gods presence is the ANSWER to all of lifes questions. Unfortunately, it is the least visited place for mankind. Even many Christians do not attach much importance and meaning to it. Yet without His presence, were doomed! No meaning is gained as to what life/living is. There, the Bible says there is fullness of joy(Ps.16:11). Moses made it habitual to be there daily. He even made an office for it to avoid daily rock climbing (Ex.33:7-11). All that God is after is that were rightly positioned for His presence by creating time daily to be in His presence privately. This is where we can connect His power and glory. We were told that the Moon has no light yet it shines at night. How come? It happens because the Moon maneuvers itself into a position on its planetory orbit to glimpse the ever available Suns rays to reflect it to the earth. Similarly,God expects us to daily gaze (and not glimpse) at the beauty of His glory in His WORD in order to reflect it with prayer to the darkness-covered and the dying world (ICor.3:18 cf lsa.60:1-3). But we cant secure this except from His presence through the WORD and prayer. When Moses came down . . . his face shone . . . (Ex.34:29). God also waits to beautify you in HIS presence. Will you go there? PEACE!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:50:07 +0000

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