David Perdue has spent his entire career taking on tough business - TopicsExpress


David Perdue has spent his entire career taking on tough business challenges. He is uniquely qualified to help get government out of the way and our economy back on track. Not surprisingly, David’s political opponents have repeatedly tried to tear down his record of accomplishment. Most recently, Michelle Nunn has resorted to recycling old attacks about David’s brief time at Pillowtex. Claims that were debunked months ago. Among the key facts omitted from the attacks: Pillowtex was already in bankruptcy before David was hired to try to save the troubled company. Shortly after arriving from a successful tenure at Reebok, David discovered that Pillowtex was far worse off than reported. He uncovered an additional multi-million dollar pension liability that was missed in the original bankruptcy proceedings. Several months after David left for Dollar General, the company’s owners decided to shut down. The following timeline shows that David was simply trying to help one of the last remaining American manufacturers in a struggling industry, but it was beyond saving: November 2000: Pillowtex filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. May 2002: Pillowtex briefly emerged from bankruptcy after recruiting Perdue. July 2002: Perdue officially joined Pillowtex to help reestablish the company. March 2003: Perdue left Pillowtex to start working for Dollar General. July 2003: Pillowtex announced the complete bankruptcy of the company Nunn’s misleading attacks are simply not true. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and other independent fact-check organizations have labeled these same attacks used by Nunn as “a stretch” and “mostly false.” She knows that many factors, including bad government policies, contributed to the decimation of the entire American textile industry, not just Pillowtex. Of course, there is more to the Pillowtex story than what Nunn and her liberal allies would have you believe. Here are some different perspectives from people who were there: Michael Harmon, former Pillowtex Chief Financial Officer: “That was definitely not what David signed up for. He was brought in to grow the company, to turn it around, and he had a pretty good track record of that at Reebok. And the circumstances were just totally different from what he was told by the board and the bank. (Associated Press, 7/12/14) Ed Hosack, former Pillowtex Plant Manager: “He [Perdue] came in during a really tumultuous time. It was tumultuous for me, and I was only a manager. I can’t imagine what it was like for the chief executive.” (Atlanta Journal Constitution, 8/8/13) This attack on David’s short time at Pillowtex is not the first or last time Michelle Nunn and her liberal allies will make baseless accusations. They cannot win on ideas and will get even more desperate in the coming weeks. As always, please feel free to contact our campaign anytime you want the truth about these types of false and misleading attacks.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:04:22 +0000

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