Davids Comment: Ever Increasing Pressure on Israel - TopicsExpress


Davids Comment: Ever Increasing Pressure on Israel Isaiah 59:19 When the enemy comes in like a flood ........... If you are monitoring current events here in Israel and reading the news items that we are sending out in the Carmel Alert, you will be very aware that since the war with Hamas in Gaza ended three months ago, there has been a very evidence increase pressure, both local and international, coming against Israel. For those of you who are aware of the information that has been circulating for the last 12 months or so about the Tetrads, or four blood red moons, without jumping to presumptuous conclusions, it is very interesting to note that the Gaza war occurred just a few weeks after the first blood red Moon on the first night of Passover back in April. As a result of Israels necessity to defend her citizens, and to put a stop to the incessant rocket and mortar fire on the towns of southern Israel, most political leaders and almost the entire secular media unfairly criticized Israel for the deaths, the injuries, and the damage done to the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Almost immediately it became very obvious that there had been a shift or step up in the spiritual and natural realms concerning Israel, particularly into specific areas - a very noticeable increase in the level of anti-Semitism and open hatred towards the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, and a noticeable increase in the level of political pressure on Israel government particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu. This shift or step up was bad enough before the season of the Fall Biblical Feasts, the following the second blood red moon on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles in early October, there seems to have been an even greater shift or step up of activity against Israel, in both of the above areas. During and since the Feast of Tabernacles, there has been a dramatic increase in violent attacks against Jews in East Jerusalem and the so-called West Bank areas. There have been two attacks on innocent citizens in Jerusalem, where terrorists have used their motor vehicle as a weapon, driving directly into the people standing at the light rail train stops. So far five people, including a three-month-old baby had been killed in this new wave of terror. It will not surprise us if we start to see copycat attacks of this type taking place, in other parts of the world. Also since the Feast of Tabernacles the Temple Mount has seen an increase in the level of rioting and violence. At one point two weeks ago, the violence was so bad, the Israeli security forces were forced to lock the rioters inside the Al Aqsa mosque. Following the shooting of a rabbi who heads up one of the Jewish organizations pushing for the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount, and the killing of the terrorist responsible, the situation intensified. Now there is rioting and violent opposition to the Israeli security forces in East Jerusalem on an almost daily basis. To make matters worse, last weekend in the Galilee town of Cana, where Yeshua perform His first miracle and turned the water into wine at the wedding, an Israeli Arab attacked a police van with a large knife. The police inside the van pursued the attacker and shot them dead, causing a fresh up break of rioting and violence in Cana and other Arab towns in the Galilee. We may well see the violence continuing to escalate, and the Intifada or uprising that has been threatened by the so-called Palestinians over the last few weeks, become a very serious reality, not just in Jerusalem and the West Bank, but in many other parts of Israel. Please pray that this does not become the case. The other area where we are seeing this increase or escalation, it is the political pressure, from especially the United States and the European Union on the Israeli government, to bow down to the demands of the Moslem world, to stop the building programs in the settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and to give the so-called Palestinians, large portions of the land that God promised to Abraham and his descendants (through Isaac and Jacob), to establish their illegitimate state. I say illegitimate, because the land, all of the land actually belongs to God and it is holy to Him, and he warned the Israelites not to divide it, sell it, or do anything with it. Furthermore on several occasions he warned the Israelites not to make covenants with the neighbours, as He knows what they are really up to - the slow, but gradual destruction of Israel - to prevent the 2nd coming of the Messiah. As I have written on many occasions, the return of Yeshua, can only take place when Israel is fully restored, and so it is very obvious that the devil is using the Moslem world, the politicians, and the secular media to oppose the restoration of Israel in a desperate attempt to stop the second coming of Messiah. The pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu is enormous, particularly from President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, and the leaders of the European Union, who are doing their utmost to threaten and manipulate the Prime Minister to bow down to their demands. It is absolute wickedness and the body of Messiah me to come against it in prayer and intercession. It is WAR - and the Church needs to wake up and wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of the kingdom of God. You may have noticed, as we have, that over the last few weeks, the media no longer refers to the Temple Mount, but calls it the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound or Noble Sanctuary. Obviously the secular media has been coerced by the Moslems to do so. It is all a part of Satans propaganda war against Israel and the Kingdom of God, and is a major cause of the increasing pressure and hatred against Israel. Josie has a word that she believes came from the Holy Spirit just a few days ago, and she will be sharing that word in next weeks comment. In the meantime, please take what I have written this week very seriously, as it is indeed extremely serious, and pray for the situation in Israel as you have never prayed before. As a wrote a few weeks ago, every Christian need to take what is happening in Israel personally, as it is the Kingdom of our God, and the Kingdom that we are looking forward to spending eternity in that is under attack, As the pressure on Israel increases, please increase your prayer - as I wrote a few weeks ago, when it comes to Israel ....... Take it personally !!! The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Please pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Please also pray for a major break-through to the Muslim world. Please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming of Messiah and the Kingdom of God. Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 10:12:45 +0000

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