Davids Log 220003262014: I have told my room mate good bye and - TopicsExpress


Davids Log 220003262014: I have told my room mate good bye and seeya later! I woke this morning to the rumbling sounds of thunder. I knew what that meant. Another opportunity to keep David in sand land. I rubbed my eyes in defeat. *sigh* I pull the curtain back to see if it was raining. No disappointment there. Rain rain coming down. As if they were waiting for me to open the curtain the sounds emanated from the mosque next door over their loud speaker. I didnt give them the pleasure as my face assumed a blank stare. Two minutes later they were finished and I closed the curtain. Where is the phone? I ask myself. I call the warehouse where my tools are supposed to be. P! Hey man. This is David. HI! Yes I am calling to see if my ship came in last night? What?? It is there? I scramble! I call my contact and email at the same time. My fingers are a blur. Well have your tools in your hands shortly David! I begin calling. Airlines. Ignorant jackwagon number one has no clue. Thanks I will try the website again! Again it cant give me a schedule. I call again... JAC this time acknowledged issues with the website. I try another airline. Success! Now my bags are packed. It is 10 at night here and I have a 2 AM flight out of here. I have never been so early for anything like this in my life! But as soon as I can get a car to take me to the airport this ol boy is headed to the US of A. Gods country if you will! A flurry of activity on my email. Some plans have fallen through. A quick search and a couple phone calls and things are lining back up. I send three emails to inform and life is suddenly much better. I went out at lunch to the apparent detriment to my stomach. I looked at the Four Star restaurant and thought I should. Nope! They have named themselves four star instead of five star. They know they are lacking so they dont name themselves 5 star... They may have over named themselves and they are really a 2 star faking it! So instead I keep walking to the only Famous Restaurant in the city. I opt instead to go further and find something with a little less notoriety. I find it. The sign says Garden Fresh Restaurant. I go in. Met at the door by an elderly gentleman. Just enough english to send me up the stairs to the main part of the restaurant. Whats this? Wine glasses on the table? Oh yeah! I may have found my perch for a couple three hours. I sit down and grab open the menu. INDIAN CUISINE!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! But he has snookered me in so I sit in defeat. I look feverishly for the wine menu. None. The glasses are an elegant touch for the bottle of water he brings to the table. I see salad. I point to it and he heads off to make it happen. Only one other couple in here. Not a good sign. Fact is nothing here in this town has been friendly to my stomach. I search and search and finally see some kind of beef. I point at it when the waiter gets back abd he mumbles something unitelligible. I nod yes like I knew exactly what he was saying. I figure I can push it around on the plate and not insult them too bad. The food arrives on a sizzling pan like fajitas in a mexican restaurant. Im munching on this mostly fruit salad and poke my fork at a piece of the meat. I look it over like I am some kind of connoisseur. I put it in my mouth and chew. Hey! This aint bad! No curry. Some kind of pepper on it! I can handle pepper. I finish my meal and even take the rest to the safe house to eat later. And now, I just called for a car to pick me up. Ill land in Tucson AZ tomorrow around 6:30 noon. In the air 20 plus hours. The Qatar Airlines portion of my flight in had wine for the cheap seats. If they have it for those of us going out i will avail myself to their hospitality. Yall have a great day! Im outta here! I think...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:25:05 +0000

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