Dawa-e-Shaafi Course is Starting Monday, January, 12th, - TopicsExpress


Dawa-e-Shaafi Course is Starting Monday, January, 12th, 2015 alhudaus/coursedetail.asp?courseID=101 Dawa-e-Shaafi is for those who Who want to Learn 1- How Worship, Dua and Astaghfar is a cure for our mental, physical and spiritual problems. 2- To Grow in Iman and Islam every week after studying one Chapter. 3- Discover how smaller sins are destructing our good deeds, our character and in bigger picture our Life. 4- Become a positive, productive and Allah-Fearing person. 5- Develop those habits which make us an Ideal Muslim and a Successful person. 6- Find Solution to Psychological and Inner problems to live a Stress Free and Depression What Does Our Students Say who have attended Dawa-e-Shaafi Course Incredible mashaAllah... I never knew that the sounds that we hear penetrate through our skin and into our cells. And if these words are taken over with water then they dissolve more quickly. And if with honey then it helps with healing. SubhanAllah, this is so amazing we actually make duaa to Allah before and after we eat so the feelings of shukr and humility must enter us with food? How important it is then to send every second with Quran and hadith :) :) alhamdulilah I realized this. May Allah resurrect us on the Day of Judgement fully emrsed in Quran and hadith aameen. By Asfiya Irfan -------------------------------------------------------- 1- A Prayer Heard in the Seventh Heaven In the Quran, we find the story of Khawlah bint Tha’labah who was distressed by her husband’s proclamation of zihaar (when a husband addresses his wife as his mother). In Surah Mujadalah, Allah describes her as complaining to Him (tashtaki ila-Allah). The words that thus came out of her heart caused revelation to come down immediately answering her question and laying down the rules of expiation for zihaar. This shows that when we call out to Allah in anguish, our dua is more likely to be answered. By Umm e Muhammad -------------------------------------------------------- Deception Of This World Today we learnt that the greatest worldly trial and deception is that man gives priority to Dunya instead of Akhirah and this is because he is deceived by the immediate benefits of this world and gets trapped. It happens when our eman in Akhirah is week and we lack real ‘Maarifah’ of Allah.We are unaware of His Majesty, His power and ability. To increase our eman and taking it to the level of Yaqeen (conviction), we have to reflect in Allah’s words(Quran) and His creation and exercise patience.Without conviction our deeds can’t change,instead we get trapped in the net of our whims and desires and deception of shaitan. By Umme ---------------------------------------------------------------- Trapped In Sins Dearest Ustazah, Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu May Allah reward you manifold for the ehsaan you have done on us by making us study the book dawa-e-shafi. As we move on from chapter to chapter I feel like I have been given new eyes or a new light has entered my heart, making me see things to which I had been blind... I have been struggling with myself over the last few years and although I seemed to make a lot of progress in learning the meaning of Quran and Hadith but I felt like there was not much improvement in my character. I thought that these were just some bad habits or attitudes which I have acquired in my days of ignorance and that it will take some time and effort to erase them. But I had never thought that they were sins... some might say what is the difference in calling it a habit or a sin... because for habits we assume that its part of our personality so we already assume it to be inseperable, incurable... also at the back of our mind we tend to ignore it or accept it and feel no urgency to remove it. But sin is like a poison which has to be removed... tell someone there is poison in his favourite food, and he will spit it out... can you think he will go on eating it? So now the task is ours to take off the lense of desires, see openly and clearly and remove whatever evil we have in our lives... This is the only cure for the confusion, and pain of the heart. I imagine the sweet comfort of Allahs love and the cool satisfaction of being in His mercy... and then I compare it with the frustrations of my desires and the hurts and disappointments... and my heart calls out: Atastabdilun-allazi huwa adna billazi huwa khair? May Allah help me act on what I learn...ameen By Shaheen Ahmad ---------------------------------------------------------- Dawa-e-Shaafi Course is Starting Monday, January, 12th, 2015 alhudaus/coursedetail.asp?courseID=101
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 03:10:42 +0000

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