Dawn of the Dead: Interview with George Poore -We are here in - TopicsExpress


Dawn of the Dead: Interview with George Poore -We are here in Minsky’s nightclub for an exclusive look at AFF’s famous Death’d Dawn Faction as the golden Faction lets their hair down and celebrates AFF style, raising Hell on Halloween at the temple of the skull. Event here is in full swing, as are some of the players by the looks of it. George Poore has consented to join us to share a little of his experience winning the gold for Deaths Dawn AFF in division 3 this Faction War 2. Thanks for letting us in to your private afterparty. You know, I I believe my wife and daughter took the field against you with the Smurf Batallion in round 2. Who else did you face? “BSL and Highland Regiments-Eridani Light Horse Battle Group” -I see you have quite the variety of specialists, and scattered widely through your levels, did you ask your people what they wished to use, or did you evaluate their lineups and assign them yourself? “I think it was a little of both really, as you know Scott Abbott is our leader and he has done a very good job of matching up members with the specialists that fit them best.” -Watching the big picture during the war, as I had daughters scattered here and there among the divisions, I couldnt help but notice that Division 3 battles were uniformly intense, and close. How pleased were you with the matchups? “I enjoyed it immensely, more so I think because i am just a level 43 now and a level 41 win the war began so i found that all three battles were very good measuring sticks as to how good my lineup is and what i need to do to improve them.” -Kipling was fond of saying Loot lovely loot, its what gets the boys get up and shoot; so how do you feel about the payoff for all the fighting (not counting the raid to come)? The payout i thought was very good more so when you consider the fact that i am just a level 43 and most of the loot can actually be used to improve my lineup, whether i sell it, or put them into my lineup. -You mentioned using the war as a measuring stick. You are in the most interesting position in a Faction War, near the middle. How much did you test your boundaries in this war? Did your Clan do a lot of communicating to share who was tougher or easier than the bare story of level/tonnage? “Yes, in Dawn we were communicating all the time as to who was tough, who was easy whether they were out of formation or not, and also whether our members were out of formation, and reminders about HG i think our communication was one of the keys to our victory.” -In the army we used to say you had the choice of sweat or blood. You get one chance to choose which. It seems Deaths Dawn prefers to sweat rather than bleed. Are all of your members AFF of one family or another, or did you have others brought in who had to learn how you did things for this war? “Well, a lot of Dawns members are AFF from the beginning like myself, but not all. This is where i give Scott major kudos for his ability to pull together several different clans to form the team that we have every member of Dawn was a member of a Gold Medal clan in the last Clan War, though you would have to speak with Scott as to which clans those were that came from outside of AFF”” -Well it seems the Gold Standard held for Deaths Dawn as a Faction. How about your personal results, were you pleased with your performance, and did any of your mecha or any new kt make a big difference in your results? “Well i do not really want to blow my own horn but i was very pleased with my own results, i found that i was able to take down many of my foes that were sometimes 15-20 levels higher then myself, i had taken a 3 month hiatus from the game so i missed some chances to get some of the more advanced mecha but i have just been taking it so and easy and using the standard mecha for the most part.” -Now for the question that has been making the rounds of the back channels since the war broke out; the music during the battles.....love it, hate it, or didnt notice it? “Didn’t really notice it when i go into combat i am so fixated on the task at hand I don’t notice much else” -I fought specialist, so watched my fights in replay where the only sounds were gunfire. For me, that is the best music. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us here at ANN, and good luck to all of your pilots as they defend our freedom by killing and looting those Forerunner scum~ “Thank you John for taking the time to interview me and before i go i just want to give a shout out to every member in Dawn the best faction in the war and i would go into combat with any of them any time -That is the spirit that got you the gold. Always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you John That was George Poore 601257 Gold medalist in Faction War 2 Division 3; Death Dawn AFF
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 00:15:27 +0000

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