Dawns Spawn: THIS MORNING I WOULD LIKE TO DEDICATE MY SPAWN IN SUPPORT OF GEOFF WRIGHT - FELLOW AUTHOR AND FRIEND WHO IS CAMPAIGNING FOR THE CAUSE OF REFUGEES TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM THE HARSH REALITIES OF TORTURE AND DEATH. HERE IS GEOFFS POST: SO WE SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND LOSE TOO MANY LIVES IN AFGHANISTAN TRYING TO HELP THE OPPRESSED/ BUT WHEN REFUGEES FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD COME TO AUSTRALIA FOR HELP WE SEND THEM AWAY. ?????????? THESE FOUR VERSES FROM THE BEGGAR ARE INDICATIVE OF TYPICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND ARE APPLICABLE TO GEOFFS REASONING ON A LARGER SCALE: THE BEGGAR - PROFOUND VERS-A-TALES (SUFFERING) She stands there all day, with her long stringy hair Dirty and matted from days without care Her long slender arms shakily extend Long unkempt fingernails on fingers that wont bend (EVENING NEWS) The few coins in her rusty cup rattle with each spasm They only serve to widen the societal chasm We stand and we stare, not daring to come close Were ashamed of her clothing, her smell offends our nose (OFFER OF AID FOR THE WORLD TO SEE) Guilt is the reason she does receive some alms We look directly at her, she extends her palms We drop a few loose coins, we rush right past Dont really care if shell be using it for repast (WE FORGET OUR HISTORY - DO WE KNOW THE FUTURE?) Is she below us, do we feel regret? Could she be our future and we dont know it yet? Are we our children when they get to our age? Are our children us, remember that stage? Kamil Ali. amazon/Profound-Vers-A-Tales-Kamil-Ali/dp/1425189024/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1383210525&sr=8-2&keywords=KAMIL+ALI
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:11:55 +0000

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