Day 1 Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge Begins! So here we are - TopicsExpress


Day 1 Absolute Best 30 Day Challenge Begins! So here we are again, another 30 Day Challenge. I congratulate you for committing to yourself and your life. 30 days of continued commitment to a goal is not easy and most people won’t take this challenge because of fear and doubt. There is fear that looking at the weaker, less attractive side of yourself will cause more pain than you can bear. There is also doubt that you will be able to follow through with the necessary steps to achieve your goal which ultimately will affect great change in your life. However, you are one of those people who are willingly to face those fears and doubts and turn them into strengths. You are willing to look at your whole being, take inventory, determine what needs improvement and then take action toward developing your Absolute Best. You are among the few who rise to the top. I want to guide you through these next 30 days by sharing tools for daily living that will help you achieve your personal best. I want to help you create healthy habits for your body, mind and soul because I believe in a holistic approach to health and wellness. These 3 aspects of your being work synergistically to create a homeostatic environment on this planet and in this life. During this challenge, you will receive a daily exercise video and blog. These are tools to remind you that you are not alone on your journey. I am and will remain with you every step of the way. I am accountable to you and therefore, I will show up daily. I believe that 90% of success is simply that, just showing up. So let the challenges begin! My goal for this challenge is to quit coffee. Now as I write this, I hesitate and think that this may be too hard for me. I have to get up very early every day and coffee gives me the pick up that I need to start my day. I know I’m addicted to it and I know it is not good for me drink so much of it; however, it has become such a habit that I override that logic and drink it anyway. Is there something you do in your life where you manually override what your instincts are telling you not to do? Do you behave in ways that go against your better judgment? You are not alone. Human beings are highly motivated by the reward pathways in the brain. Most habits are formed because you have linked a behavior or action to pleasure, security and survival. Unfortunately, sometimes, you “overindulge” in these behaviors and they cause negative side effects in your body, mind and spirit. Even though you may receive messages from your body that it is not in a homeostatic state because of these behaviors, you may be so intrinsically connected to the memory of pleasure that you continue chasing that reward- no matter what the cost. One of the ways to change a negative behavior or a bad habit is to substitute it with a healthier one. That is the foundation for these challenges. So, I commit to drink tea instead of coffee during these 30 days. I want you to focus on your wellness goal every day. If you fill your mind with the steps you must take to stay on track and complete the challenge, you will spend more time thinking and behaving in ways that will improve your health and fitness and lessen the chances of sabotaging your success. Having me as an accountability partner will increase your chances of success. If you can pick another Absolute Best partner besides me to connect with throughout the challenge, that will anchor your commitment even more. An accountability partner improves you commitment because it is in you nature to socialize and surround yourself with likeminded people. It is part of what make you human. You have a basic need and want to commune with others; we are social animals. So let the games begin. I wish you the best and hope to see you on the other side of our 30 days healthier, happier and having completed the Absolute Best Challenge of your life!! Namaste, Clarita
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:11:07 +0000

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