Day 1: Flight leaves Seattle at 2pm woke up at 5am to travel to - TopicsExpress


Day 1: Flight leaves Seattle at 2pm woke up at 5am to travel to Seattle. Plugged in the address and it brought me to the dang post office. 9:10am They got me to the right place. Photos taken by Walgreens were bad...had to run 3 blocks to get new photos. 10am Got back, submitted my applicaiton. Found dad, he got a parking ticket. Ran and got a new drivers liscense photo ID (paper one), then cashed some checks, Went back to the passport offices and waited 40 minutes for new passport. HOLY.... ran down stairs to the car, rushed to the airport and got there at 12pm. stood in line forever only to find out that you need a return flight home in order to fly out and ASIANA Airlines doesnt sell tickets at the desk....WTF... OMG... Then almost had 2 new tickets baught online and then dad told me he only had a cash....SHIT... 12:30 ran down to Delta Airlines and bought tickets.... the lady didnt have cash and took forever to get back with money and finalize the purchase.... got a call from Asiana letting us know we had 5 minutes to get back to the desk to finalized the booking and get our seats. Ran back to asiana, got tickets, then escorted through the long security line, took the train to the s gate and....pffffft got on the plane. Wasnt a bad flight. We were provided with 3 meals and alot of snacks. STILL NO SIGNOF EBOLA.... Heres my dads plan on the plane. ... watch 1 movie, eat meal, Dad take ambien to sleep for next 8 hours, wake up, eat again, watch 1 more movie, land..... gave me a sleeping pill.... pffft .. i think he just gave me half of a pill and i was like a zombie with no sleep. watched like 5 documentaries, 3 movies, and an orchestra. Landed in Seol.... it was a like a mall full of alot of makeups, lotions and vitamins... people trying to sell me hella vitamins but its all salmon and shrimpys vitamins... I was like, I eat all this stuff all the time anyways... went to a clothing store but nothing fit she said your not a korean double x lol.... Got on the plane to Cebu, dropped like a fly. Slept the whole way thank god except for my dad waking me up everytime they tried feeding us. No thanks..... landed... muggy and hot... was welcomed by Suzette Borces and her son Daryl Borces. Took a van ride through town to the Quest hotel. Tried to settle in but got hungry and was anxious to see the city streets of Cebu. Dragged dad and Suzette out for food.... had some awesome local quizine...chickin curry and some funky soup with cabbage. They put a little plate in front of us with scabby lookin lime and 3 mini peppers. They looked harmless.... i took a few nibbles and felt the furry...not to bad. Ate more beefy and curry food and then took a big ole bight of that tiny pepper and OH MY GOD..... That thing made my lips, tongue, and everything numb...burning hot.... i never felt anything that hot before. Couldnt even eat anything for ten minutes. Got dont eating and got dropped off a tthe hotel. Went to go get some gatorade.... wow...Ive walked alot of urban streets in the mornings but this place tops it. I mean... poor homeless families all over the place sleeping on the sidewalks, rez doggs all over the place, nasty kittens, but people are really nice. Alot of homelessness and crazy alleys full of scraps, and whatever anyone can make a dollar off of. Alot of flowers, weird gambling halls, bars, foods... and stuff....just stuff.... im not downplaying anything here... its just not anything you or are use too. I felt a little uncomfortable walking by myself but it is what it is... tomorrow night is holloween. Should be interesting. I cant wait to hit the streets with my camera to capture a glimpse of some of the little bit i seen tonight...but its going to be sick.... still no signs of ebola. :) its 4am... i gotta try and get some rest. until tomorrow. Good night.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:42:19 +0000

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