*Day 1 ~ God, thank you for being our refuge and strength in times - TopicsExpress


*Day 1 ~ God, thank you for being our refuge and strength in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1-5 *Day 2 ~ God, forgive us when we take our many blessings and gifts for granted. Matt. 6:12 *Day 3 ~ God, enable us to be a blessing to survivors of hurri- canes, floods, tsu- namis, earthquakes and other natural disasters. 2 Cor. 1:4 *Day 4 ~ God, grant hope to victims waiting to be rescued. We pray for their safety and quick recovery. *Day 5 ~ God, con- sole those persons who are separated and searching for loved ones. Reunite them as quickly as possible. 2 Cor. 1:4 *Day 6 ~ God, have mercy on those who are alone. Bring caring helpers into their lives. Luke 1:50 *Day 7 ~ God, we pray for ill and injured persons, and for the health of all those affected by disasters. Jer. 30:17 *Day 8 ~ God, grant wisdom, strength, compassion and healing power to those tending the sick. Luke 6:19 *Day 9 ~ God, protect the innocent from those who commit evil deeds in the wake of natural disasters. Luke 4:10 *Day 10 ~ God, bless the souls of those who perished. Comfort those mourning the loss of loved ones. Matt. 5:4 *Day 11 ~ God, bring help to those suffering great hardship as a result of natural catastrophes. 2 Tim. 2:9 *Day 12 ~ God, grant the survivors courage and the knowledge that you are with them always. Hagg. 2:4 *Day 13 ~ God, give those adversely affected by tragedy a faith so strong that it will move mountains. Matt. 17:20 *Day 14 ~ God, guard the hearts and minds of the survivors, giving them peace that surpasses all understanding. Phil. 4:7 *Day 15 ~ God, bless the survivors and relief workers with patience as they wait for your perfect timing. Eccl. 7:8 *Day 16 ~ God, may those facing uncertain futures place their trust in you. Give them rest. Psalms 37:3 *Day 17 ~ God, have compassion on your peoples and restore all that has been lost. Deut. 30:3 *Day 18 ~ God, we pray those in need will quickly receive food, water, shelter, clothing and medical supplies. Matt. 25:35-36 *Day 19 ~ God, comfort homeless and displaced persons living in shelters or with family, friends or strangers. Isa. 58:7 *Day 20 ~ God, teach us to obey Jesus’ command to welcome strangers in need of hospitality. Rom. 12:13 *Day 21 ~ God, provide employ- ment for persons whose livelihoods have been lost or impacted. *Day 22 ~ God, grant our President and local, regional and national lead- ers wisdom and discernment in dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters. *Day 23 ~ God, strengthen for service our fire- fighters, medics, police, relief workers, social workers, pastors and disaster re- sponse coordina- tors. Isa. 41:10 *Day 24 ~ God, guide relief workers, humanitarian agencies and insurance firms as they assess the damage and assist victims during re- lief and recovery efforts. Psalms 31:3 *Day 25 ~ God, equip ministers, counsel- ors and volunteers as they tend to *Day 26 ~ God, we pray your people will continue to generously respond with their prayers, presence, gifts and service. 2 Cor. 9:6 *Day 27 ~ God, raise up warriors to pray without ceasing for survivors and those involved in the recovery efforts. *Day 28 ~ God, provide the re- sources needed to rebuild lives and communities deci- mated by disasters. Jer. 42:10 1 Tim. 2:1-2 *Day 29 ~ God, grant us a spirit of perseverance to help those touched by tragedy in the months and years ahead. Heb. 12:1 *Day 30 ~ God, re- store electricity, water, gas and transportation. Keep communica- tion channels open. Isa. 62:10 *Day 31 ~ God, we affirm that neither hardship nor distress nor peril will separate us from the love of Christ. Rom. 8:35 Prayers for Natural Disaster Survivors 1 Sam. 26:24 the spiritual and emotional needs of survivors. Eph. 4:12 1 Thes. 5:17 Deut. 24:15
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:24:09 +0000

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