Day 1, March 9. Where do I begin? You have to read the whole story - TopicsExpress


Day 1, March 9. Where do I begin? You have to read the whole story to know where the pool is! Praise that Gracielas 19 year old son who was in a motorcycle accident TODAY in Boise is going to be ok! He is in the hospital with a punctured lung and spleen, and other injuries, but will be ok. She is one of my roommates. We are all thankful he was not more seriously injured, and that Graciela will be able to remain with us in Rwanda. We started our day attending the Africa New Life church in Kigali, not far from where we are staying. It was a blessing to hear these people sing in their native tongue, Kinyarwanda. Amazing! Beautiful voices! After the church service, we met with Pastor Fred Katagwa, ANLM Executive Director to hear about their vision and need in Rwanda. After listening to his love for God and for people, it confirmed I made the right decision to join KTSY in Rwanda! One of their visions is to setup medical clinics all over the country. To accomplish this they need help outside their country to train doctors and nurses (nurses are referred to as Nancys), they need to acquire the right medication and medical supplies, and they need people to tell about hope. Hope knowing they are loved by people on this earth and are not abandoned, and loved by a God who created them. Dr. Titus and teams of volunteers under his leadership, is making all this happen by partnering with ANLM. No better way to help the people than to train and support the people who live in Rwanda. Together that vision will come true. Our lunch vision meeting was at The Hôtel des Mille Collines (Hotel Rwanda). It is a large hotel in Kigali. The hotel became became famous in 1994 after 1,268 people took refuge there. The swimming pool in the attached picture, is the very pool where the 1,268 people survived by drinking the water from the pool. The hotel is surrounded by amazing tropical plants like the biggest poinsettia ever! Another picture attached is me in front of the hotel. Pastor Fred snuck up on me right when the picture was taken! Trevor Loucks joined us for lunch and got his picture with myself, Michelle and Tori. We represent our home church in Kuna, Idaho! We ended the day paying our respects to the one million people that died in 100 days in 1994 at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. No human words can describe the evil that took place from April to July. Stories of those that did not survive and those that did are more than difficult I can describe.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 22:09:12 +0000

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