Day 10 Affirmation: God created me uniquely differently from - TopicsExpress


Day 10 Affirmation: God created me uniquely differently from everyone else. I dont have to mimic anyone. I have my own spiritual gift and ministry to share with others. ***thanks for that good Word during bible study this AM Pastor Shineka Major Dixon! Scripture: Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.- 2 Cor 7:1 Fasting source: Day 10 of the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse---YOU MADE IT! De-cluttering activity: Day 2 of closets. So we tackled your main wardrobe on yesterday, lets tackle the other closets: linen closet, shoe closet (cuz some people just got it like that:), craft closet, extras i.e. junk closet. Or if you didnt finish your closet on yesterday, finish it today. Still making room for blessings. I have unearthed so many hidden and long forgotten treasures while cleaning my closets. I have also found things that I just shake my head at when I look at it---saying Why do I still have this? I have NO NEED for it! And then I had a blazing AHA moment---it was a placeholder for experiences that I refused to release and opportunities that I was afraid to face. Its easy to put stuff between you and whatever your calling is. Its easy to blame it on the stuff---whether it be clothing, kids, education or lack thereof, debt, hobbies, sororities/fraternities, spouse, job---when its really the fear of absolute success OR absolute rejection. You will NEVER know what God had truly on deck for your life if you keep putting stuff between you and His will for your life. Start unpacking the stuff and allow God room to create miracles for you. #letsgetnaked
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:07:24 +0000

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