Day #10 at Marinus—Sometimes The Magic Works….. A few days - TopicsExpress


Day #10 at Marinus—Sometimes The Magic Works….. A few days ago Vivienne and I made a date with another patient here, Brian, to go to Wendelstein, a ski lodge atop a nearby mountain that is accessed by a 40 minute ride on a cog railway. Everyone says that in winter this place is a skier’s paradise. I’m not a skier, but it sounded worth the effort to go there to have a look. Brian has rented a car here, so he offered to drive us for our excursion. Brian’s story is typical of many patients here. He owned a construction company that was one of the largest in Las Vegas, fulfilling millions of dollars worth of contracts each year—until the recession of 2008. He lost everything and had to move his family back to his roots in Pennsylvania. It is often said that excruciating, sustained stress can precipitate breakdowns in a body that give cancer a chance to take root and flourish. Brian believes this is when and why it happened to him. In his case, cancer launched an all-out assault on him! Like Richard, whom I introduced earlier, Brian had nine major cancers throughout his torso. The worst was a 12-inch tumor that extended from the lower end of his small intestine through its connection with the upper part of his large intestine. Prostate, bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs…..he was horribly riddled with it. When his diagnosis was made nine months ago, he did what most people do at first: he stepped onto the path of mainstream treatment. Surgery was scheduled. He showed us his scar, long and vertical along his lower abdomen, still angry red for its relative freshness. They opened him up and sewed him shut without doing anything to try to help him. What was the point? In their terms, he was a goner, so far beyond help that they couldn’t even pretend in good conscience to provide any hope. They told him to go home, get his affairs in order, and wait as well as he could for his end. Turns out they didn’t know who they were dealing with. Once he recovered from the aborted surgery enough to think straight, he went on the internet. He found something I had never heard of before hearing it from him: the “Greek” blood test. You can’t get it in the usual mainstream countries, but it is available in Mexico. He doesn’t know if it’s available here in Germany, but it hasn’t been mentioned so neither of us know. In any case, the Greek blood test is a very special test that tells you some basic parameters about the kind of cancer you have, and what kinds of things will help it. Not all forms of treatment, alternative or mainstream, will help all kinds of cancers. Brian learned that, as with most cancers, in his case chemotherapy would be useless. As we noted in the last blog, in some cases chemo can provide short-term gains against tumors, but they will usually come back, and when they do they will be from cells that have become resistant to chemo. Laetrile is a treatment that is highly controversial because it works in many cases but not in others. Brian found out that for him it would be a good healing modality, so he takes that religiously, among other things he was told would be of benefit to him. And then he found this place, Klinik Marinus. He came the first time in February of this year. His first round of treatment saw his tumors shrink, on average, 20%. In his case that was a huge, life-saving, life-giving improvement. He went home to do his “aftercare” routine for six months, during which he shrunk them to 50% of what they were when he started. Now he’s back again for Round Two here, still working at shrinking them, and still doing it with heat and all the other therapies practiced here. NO CHEMO!!! Everyone needs to tattoo and keep that somewhere in your awareness. Brian had a body full of cancer spread around as extensively as it can be spread throughout a body, so bad his doctors wouldn’t even pretend he had a chance to survive it. Yet today I had a great trip with a jovial, friendly, charming man who would be the last person on the mountain that anyone would suspect still carries a torso full of cancer tumors that he is slowly, methodically, rationally melting away. Now, for as fascinating as Brian’s story is, the day didn’t quite end when we returned late in the afternoon. Because we were going on the trip, I had to cram all of my treatments into the morning, so I got up early to do that. Much of the time you’re just sitting or lying down as machines do their work on you, or liquid vitamins and your own ozonized blood drip into veins in your arms, so there is often time to read. I bring my Nook and hammer away at all the cancer-related articles and books that many of you have sent me over the course of the past month. I’m learning. This morning I started Chapter 11 in a book I’d been reading, which began with a quote that caught my attention: “It amazes me how much of what passes for knowledge in (mainstream) cancer therapy turns out to be incomplete, inadequate, and anecdotal.” It was attributed to Ralph Moss, PhD, a noted cancer researcher, in his book “The Cancer Industry.” I mentally logged that title to check it out when I could find a moment to do so. Eight hours later, Brien dropped Vivi and me off at the front doors of the clinic and we went in. There was Dr. Weber with a man about my age standing with a boy of about 12 or 13. When Dr. Weber saw us he lit up as he usually does and said, “So, Mr. Pye! I have another American for you to meet!” I made the obvious assumption that a new patient from the States was checking in, man or boy, so I wanted to do my best to make them feel welcome and at home. “Hi,” I said, extending my hand, “I’m Lloyd Pye, and this is Vivienne.” He shook our hands and said, “I’m Ralph Moss.” DING!!! A faint bell went off in my head, but I couldn’t recall why. “Ralph Moss, eh? Your name sounds familiar to me. I think I’ve heard it before somewhere, somehow.” Dr. Weber said nothing to help me out, so I went on. “Is there a reason I would know your name?” [This is translated as: “Are you anybody famous in any way?”] To which he said, “Well, if you ever research into cancer therapy, you might have run across my name.” And then it hit me!!! This was HIM!!! I explained that I had just that morning read a quote by him in a cancer treatment book, not his own book, unfortunately, but still, I had faintly remembered it, even with “chemo brain” holding me back. So we chatted for a few moments and I went up to the room to fetch my Nook and show him exactly what I was talking about, which of course was about as serendipitous as such things can be. It turned out Ralph Moss and his grandson were on a tour of cancer clinics in Germany because he will soon begin shooting a documentary film about hyperthermia, the heat therapy that is the gold standard of treatment in Germany and should be everywhere in the world. He was scouting locations and meeting the clinic directors to get their permission to come on their premises to film. On the grand scale of cosmic coincidences, where do you think THAT one should be ranked? Lloyd Pye Klinik Marinus Brannenburg, Germany August 14, 2013
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:25:09 +0000

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