Day 11: I am very thankful for every man and woman who has ever - TopicsExpress


Day 11: I am very thankful for every man and woman who has ever served in our Military. From the American Revolution to the wars in the Middle East being fought at this very moment I want to say I love you and thank you for the sacrifices that you made to keep our country free. Thank you to the heroes of yesteryear for fighting and dying so that we may continue to enjoy the Rights and Freedoms that we all too often take for granted ... Your deaths are NOT in vain. For those of the greatest generation, our World War 2 Vets, thank you for making our country the greatest nation in the world. For the veterans of Korea and Vietnam, thank you for protecting freedom and democracy around the world, at such a high cost. To the Vietnam Vets, it breaks my heart to think of the way you were treated upon returning home; having endured all of the horrors of war in South East Asia only to come home and find protestors calling you names and spitting on you; it took more discipline and control to walk through those airport terminals and more honor and courage than any of those douche bags will ever have. Hold your heads high and be proud. A different time and a different America my hind-end, they should have been shackled and taken to prison for acting that way; sadly most of those pricks now run or ruin our Country. To my brothers and sisters who have fought and served in the sandy wastelands of Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other landfill occupied by Muslim filth; I salute you. This backward Administration may call you terror threats, but I call you heroes, brothers and sisters and would be proud to serve with any of you again. America ... Freedom is not free. The freedoms we now enjoy were paid for in blood, sweat, and sacrifice. Brave men and women died for the freedoms that are now being striped from us daily, taken by people who are afraid of We the People and those of us who served in this Nations Defenses. People who are brave enough to stand up to tyranny and those who would suppress the ideology of the American Dream. Stand proud my comrades and join me in prayer this day. Prayer for this nation, its families and our way of life. Pray with me to the One True God - through His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Pray that the light of His love, ignited with the light of liberty, will dismiss the lies of Islam and the socialist cowards and traitors that live in the shadows of America. Join me on blended knee , with arms raised in praise and adoration and pray GOD BLESS AMERICA AGAIN!! God bless America, God bless our troops and God Bless our veterans!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amen!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 06:11:54 +0000

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