Day#11 I used to nag my father to buy me a Boost instead of - TopicsExpress


Day#11 I used to nag my father to buy me a Boost instead of Horlicks, for I could get a Frisbee free with Boost; but my father always bought Horlicks because it was ( and is still :p ) tastier than Boost ( if it still exists :p ) So is our Heavenly Father… He knows what’s best for us and with His own hand He contends us (James 1:17); on the other hand, prowls devil who’s functioning as the god of this world enticing us with his diabolic schemes wrapped attractively. ( 1 Peter 5: 8) As Dona said “God could be asking you to DRAW THE LINE.” ….and we all are well aware that God wants us to draw the line, a line to halt our desires pleasing our flesh, a line to halt our sinful lifestyle!!! Generally everybody experiences a newness after attending any retreat, some take back massive healing; and we, overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit return back home with strong conviction to draw the line in required aspects of our life. Heaven rains down the power of the Holy Trinity, we renew our Baptismal promises and life seems blissful, and much more blessings pour on us. Our task just starts there…. Luke 11:24-26 mirrors exactly what happens to us post powerful retreats. It seems extremely difficult to cling on to God, after departing from the environment of a retreat. And this is how we fall back to square 1…. #We fail yet again, we see ourselves as failures- which only makes us to fail more# #We sin yet again, we see ourselves as sinners- which only makes us to sin more.# Satan then sucks us into his futile equation and tricks us into believing that “what we do makes us what we are”. This is how he promotes his lies in the world by encouraging us to SELF-DECEPTION. And this false belief sends us into a tailspin of helplessness and defeat. Our true identity in Christ Jesus gets distorted by the great deceiver himself. In due course of time, this tailspin of helplessness and defeat starts devouring all our strength we received from the Holy Spirit. So where exactly did things turn??????? When we saw ourselves as failures, when we saw ourselves as sinners!! When we based our identity on the wrong equation, when we allowed Satan’s accusation of our behavior influence our perception of identity, instead of letting our identity- AS CHILDREN OF GOD IN CHRIST- influence our behavior. Friends, we should swiftly reflect on the Parable of the Lost Son, before Satan’s false belief establishes a strong hold in our mind. WE ARE HIS CHILDREN (1 John 3:1), no matter HOW MUCH WE SIN!!! We are NOT a product of what we do or don’t do. We are a product of who we are in Christ and His work on the cross. We are NOT saved by how we behave but by how we BELIEVE. God assures us, “BELOVED, now we are children of God….and everyone who has this HOPE FIXED on him PURIFIES himself, just as HE is pure” (1 John 3:2, 3). How devastating is God’s love for us!!!! :) HIS only question to you is…. WILL YOU BE MY CHILD? John 1:12-13
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:01:48 +0000

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