Day 11: To say Brandon was popular last night would be putting it - TopicsExpress


Day 11: To say Brandon was popular last night would be putting it mildly....the drain was placed through his chest cavity yesterday under his left lung which, if you can imagine, is slightly uncomfortable. Especially when he breathes... Since not breathing isnt an option we struggled with getting him comfortable as well as avoiding a little thing called septic shock. They expected his white count to jump after the procedure and due to the fact that he is now spleen-less, and it did last night (45.8 at peak) so the doctors werent terribly concerned but it didnt ease the nurses nerves enough to not check on him every 10min which equated to another restless night. After 24hrs of being on another heavy antibiotic he so far today has been fever free and we are praying the worst is over. We are so sorry to miss another fun #skirastrong event as we were hoping to be home and able to at least see or even meet some of you! Thank you to all who helped put the spaghetti dinner together today! ( ahem.....Meghan Jernigan Everly, we would be lost without you) have fun for us and we are counting the days until we can celebrate with all of you! Until then we will settle for lots of pictures being posted!!!! Hoping the positive energy at mr nicks filters its way up to Ann Arbor! We appreciate you!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:07:59 +0000

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